Project Ideas and Resources
There are some great ideas for Media Computation projects being created around the world. Here are links to those we know about – please do send us more!
Useful for all
- There are some sprites (pictures with a single color background) that you can use for creating movies at http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs1315/4004
- http://www.sampleswap.org/ Free sounds
- From Scott Vandenberg:
- http://www.cs.siena.edu/~scott/instruments contains 8 notes played by each of 23 different instruments. There are 8 tones for each instrument, from C to C, but no sharps/flats. Each note is about a 6-second .wav file (easy to trim to desired length in Python, as I did at the workshop!). Total size of files is 186MB, so you can see why I didn’t email it to you. These were created by a colleague, who says they’re fair game for all to use.
- MusicXML has some fun examples for which you can view the XML code, the “printed” score, and listen to the MP3 version. There’s probably a lot more to it that I haven’t used, but I’m just passing it along in case you’re interested and didn’t know about it.
- Session at SIGCSE2010 -- Variations on a Theme of Media Computation
Data Structures
- A 35 minute movie (developed to take the place of the lecturer one day) on generalizing lists and trees from image and sound specific forms. (40Mb) Generalizing Lists and Trees.mov
Additional Media Tools