As homework for the 2008 AP Workshop with Barbara Ericson, we were asked to create several teacher resources. I decided to focus on programming assignments and "doing them right" (whatever that means!) In my case this meant creating pre-built tests to check the programs (using JUnit), and self-documenting code using Javadoc. Both of these are new topics for me, but I think will be invaluable in the classroom. I have included 4 different programming folders to meet the requirements of 4 assessments. WhileAndIf teaches how to use JUnit to test code. WhileAndIf-BadCode is the same code with a logic error, showing how JUnit reports the problem. ArrayExample assesses processing arrays AND how to properly document using Javadoc (see below). A JUnit testclass is supplied called TestArrayExample. BankAccount creates a BankAccount object and allows deposits and withdrawals to the account. A JUnit test called TestBankAccount exercises a few methods.
Walk through JUnit with working program
Walk through JUnit with broken program
Creating JUnit tests from scratch
For closed ended programs, JUnit can be used to easily test student programs for correct results. The process is as follows:
Each folder contains one assignment. The files include a Readme.htm file explaining the assignment, a sample solution, and a sample JUnit Test that will exercise the code.
JUnit is not a standard Java library, so it may or may not already by available in your environment. If it is not, download it from --> select [Download JUnit] --> pick a jar file such as junit-4.1.jar. Store it in a known location.
In drJava, select [Edit] --> [Preferences] --> [Resource Locations] --> [Add] --> and pick the file you download with a name similar to junit-4.1.jar.
multiplier = inc/100;to
multiplier = 1 + inc/100;Now run the tests again and they all should pass.
JUnit gives feedback according to the results of three methods. In each case, the first parameter is a String message that is produced if the test fails
The first argument is the failure message (printed to the console if the test fails). The second argument is the expected value (can be an int or an Object). The third argument is the actual value received from the method calls.
Example://What if teacher works 2 years at 10%? public void test_2YearTeacher() { int startSal=30000; Salary s = new Salary(startSal,10,2); assertEquals( "Failed if teacher works 2 years @ 10%", 33000, s.calculateSalary()); }
The assertEquals command checks to see if s.calculateSalary() returns a 33000. If it does, the test succeeds. If it returns something else, the failure message is displayed.
assertTrue(“failure message”, boolean_expression); In this case, if the boolean expression returns a true, the test passes. The same assert as above could read:
assertTrue( "Failed if teacher works 2 years @ 10%", s.calculateSalary() == 33000);
fail(“failure message”); This could follow other logic in your code and simply submits a failure on the test. The same assert as above could read:
if (s.calculateSalary() != 33000) fail(“Failed if teacher works 2 years @ 10%");
Using JUnit with drJava -
Since it is imperative that programmers document code, it only makes sense to teach students how to incorporate good documentation into their code (even though this is not tested explicitly on the exam). The built-in Javadoc formatting is what is used in the standard Java API so would have the extra benefit of helping students understand how to read the API.
For my “model” of using Javadoc, open up the Statistics folder. The class has well-formed Javadoc comments and can be used as a template for other projects. Following is a list of required items:
Above whole class:
/** Short description of class
* @author Barbara
* @version 2008.07.25
Above each method:
/** Short description of method
* @param x
description of parameter x
* @param sum
description of parameter sum
* @return description of what method
will return
The AP materials focus heavily on stating Preconditions and Postconditions, so I researched recommended methods of incorporating these into the Javadoc. It’s a little kludgy, but I think worth the effort. Basically you force the tab and bold using HTML tags and attributes. Here is one from
* Calculate the average of an array of
* @param a
integer array
* @return the average (i.e. mean)
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b></dt>
* <dd> a[]
contains 10 integers</dd>
To create the Javadoc in drJava, simply press the button [Javadoc] in the upper right of the window. The API will look something like this:
If you click on the method average(), you will get additional info looking like this: