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Attendance for the Feb 18, 2011 Teaching with Robots Workshop

  1. Kizzy Bess - Avondale High School
  2. Tabatha Cown - Grayson High School
  3. Kevin Daniel - Banneker High school
  4. Lori Decker - McIntosh High School
  5. Timothy Gant - Lithonia High School
  6. Charles Griggs - Bear Creek Middle School
  7. Shawtwain Hall - Bear Creek Middle School
  8. Kristina Istre - Pine Hill Middle School
  9. Cristal Jones - Creekside High School
  10. Donita Legoas - Pine Hill Middle School
  11. Isobel Mason - Woodstock High school, did both webinars and extra work, credit
  12. Rhonda Mays - Bear Creek Middle School (arrived at 10:45AM)
  13. Shawn Merchant - Meadowcreek High School
  14. Marcia Morris - Central High School
  15. Leslie Smart - Alexander High School
  16. Renee Smith - Grayson High School (arrived at 10AM)
  17. Steven Thedford - Dekalb Online Academy
  18. David Thomas - McIntosh High School
  19. Jennifer Uboh - Cherokee High School

Operation Reboot
  1. Cynthia Anderson
  2. Robert Bettis
  3. Ramona Calvey

  1. Rick Cali (Ella Academy Homeschool)
  2. Kenneth Cote (Circle Of Friends Homeschool)
  3. Ronak Patel (TA at Grayson High School)
  4. Clarence Perdue (100 Black Men of Atlanta)
  5. Hope White (100 Black Men of Atlanta)

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