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PicoCricket 4 hour workshop details

Remember to take good pictures. Examples can be found here:

Ages: 4th grade to high school

Equipment: 1 laptop for each PicoCricket kit. We usually pair students for this.

Wireless issues- call 404-478-7310 for any problems with Wandering Wi-Fi

Musical Pickles: Pickels, wipes, wooden dowels, wax paper, paper clips, a knife to cut the pickles with (cut in half in width)
Birthday cake: can cozies, ribbons, glue, scissors, press on foam shapes, straws
Kinetic sculpture: Pipe cleaners, beads,
Reaction game: aluminum foil, rubber bands, tape
White poster board, markers, construction paper, foam sheets, felt
Specialty items for certain holidays like Halloween (plastic spiders, foam shapes of ghosts, etc)
Extra batteries, screwdriver for changing the batteries

Before each workshop
During each workshop

10 min Introductions - see the During each workshop
10 min Pre-surveys
10 min Introduce the PicoCricket kit. Explain that it was created by a group from MIT and that it is an arts and crafts kit for the digital age.
Show the website Show how to find the blocks based on their color and function. Show how to use the magic wand to download the program to the cricket. Show how you start and stop the program by pushing the button on the cricket.
30 min If you have a large group let some do one activity while others do a different activity. For the reaction game have them try with the sound and touch sensor button. Then let them try by making their own touch sensor out of alumninum foil and the resistence sensor. Then have them try with the light instead of sound. Have them predict if they will be faster when they hear a sound or see a light.
30 min Next activity.
30 min Next activity.
30 min Next activity (optional)

For the rest of the time show them the motion modules (see and challenge the students to create something based on a theme (such as a day at the park). Give the students white poster board, markers, and access to construciton paper, felt, foam, and let them create something. Have volunteers show what they have created. Take pictures and videos of the creations with the students in the picture and/or video (and smiling).

Be sure to do the post-surveys!

After each workshop

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