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Final exam review Fall2007:Short Answer

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Discrete Simulations only track main events and have a priority queue that manages resources...Continuous Simulations take action on every time step.

A method is static if it doesn't have to have an instance of it in order to be called.

If a variable is in all caps, it usually means it is a constant.

The difference between extends and implements is that extends is between classes and subclasses while implements is for interfaces like action listeners. With extends, you can only have one parent while you can implement as many interfaces as you want.
Extends links a class to a parent to inherit some functionality....Implements links a class to an interface or interfaces to require some functionality.

The point of UML is that it allows you to communicate the underlying structure of the program without the program functionality and details.

Random number generators are used to put randomness into the simulation to make it more life-like.

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