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Question:How do I manipulate a picture? |
Picture p; p = new Picture("C:/cs1316/MediaSources/swan.jpg"); p.show(); p.clearBlue(); p.show();This above segment of code should show the original swan picture and the modified version with all its blue set to 0 for each pixel.
p = new Picture("C:/cs1316/MediaSources/swan.jpg"); p.show(); p.lighten(); p.show();Notice how we only changed the method being call on the Picture p.
Question: where do we download the files that go in the classpath /cs1316/java-source ? Or are these files supposed to be built in to the SDK lib? |
Question: If we receive an error message that says "illegal start of expression", what exactly is this implying? THANKS!!! |
Question: When I create a pixel array and then say..... pixel[index] - no matter which index it is, i get Red = 255, Green = 255, Blue = 255 ??? and the picture was not all the same color. |