Gregory Abowd
Boring facts:
Office: Technology Square Research Building (TSRB), Room 329
Email: mylastname AT cc DOT gatech DOT edu
Office hours this semester: TBD (it depends on all of my other meeting times, but likely on Tuesdays.
Advice on contacting me: Don't expect me to answer email during the day. If you call my office and leave a message, don't expect that I will pick it up anytime soon. I am a regular Yahoo IM user, but I will try to use AIM as well (gabowd for both). I will try to keep logged in during office hours at least. Probably the best time to contact me is before or after lecture. I will try to get to the class by 8:45am.
Slightly less boring facts:
Hi, I am Gregory Abowd. That's me in the middle with my two sons, Aidan (10) and Blaise (7).

I have a daughter as well, Mary Catherine (3), and my wife, Meghan, is a Professor of Mathematics at Kennesaw State University.
You can find out more about my professional life at
I used to be an awesome basketball player, but you would never know it now.
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