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FinalExam Review Fall2005: Properties of Data Structures

Questions? Comments? Answers?
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What is the difference between Event queues and just plain queues? anyone, anyone, anyone? beuller?
Removed at KS request

I get that reference! (I'm surprised that you do! That's before your time, missie! :-) Event Queues are queues in that we always pop from the head, but we don't insert at the tail. Instead, the Event Queue is always kept sorted in event time order, whether by sorting or by inserting into place. Mark Guzdial

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok lovely thank you. Removed at KS request

One or more data structures match each of the following statements or descriptions. List the data structures for which the statement is true:
A. Can change size dynamically to match the size of the data.

B. Is good for representing hierarchy.

C. Is particularly hard to insert into the middle of.

D. Can take a while to find an element in this data structure.

E. Is good for representing a line of people waiting for a ferris wheel ride.

F. Is good for representing animation states of a character.
Circular REMOVEDked List

G. Is used for representing the samples in a sound.

H. Is used for representing the pixels in a picture.

I. Might be used to represent the New York City Subway System

J. Is useful for reversing a list quickly

Kyle DuPont

I think there can be more than one answer for some of the questions, for example on A. i put REMOVEDked list, tree, graph, circular linked list. am i right in doing that?
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Oh yeah i mean that's true probably, but like tree and graph are abstract data types right? How should we deal with this? maybe say that the actual data on a lower level can be an array or whatever, but on the tree or graph level, it is easy to link those data to one another and change relationships to one another.

Kyle DuPont

Totally correct – there can be more than one answer, and the implementation level does influence some of these questions. Stacks and queues are ADT's, Kyle. Trees and graphs can be talked about as ADTs, but we didn't really talk about them that way in this class. Mark Guzdial

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