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telly.pngRetrospective Storytelling - Consumer digital camera technology now enables people to capture personal moments with high quality with immediately reviewable results. In addition, digital camera storage media afford multiples takes and re-takes of particular moment without much space limitation. However, digital photopgraphy does require engaging with technology to transfer images from the camera and accessing them later for use. Many researchers are addressing the challenges of developing tools to support organization and access of captured media. Our work addresses the question of what support is needed when users are ready to use their digital images to create a presentation of their experiences via their digital media. Click here to learn more.

i-StoryCircle - Collaboration plays a major role in retrospective storytelling by increasing story quality and helping users through technical barriers. Collaboration with peers or experts can provide the resources needed to solve technical problems novices often encounter during retrospective storytelling. It is essential that digital storytellers acquire feedback from other digital storytellers. Giving feedback on others’ stories helps the storyteller to gradually formulate ability to evaluate a story and improve the quality of the story. i-StoryCircle attempts to provide this support in software.

clock.pngRoutine Decision Support -People make hundreds of decisions every day. Rather than optimize those decisions by gathering pertinent information, people instead rely on routines. While those routines are usually sufficient, they do occasionally fail. Those failures present an opportunity to improve decision making by providing low-cost information when and where people start to follow their routines. We conducted a study to examine the routines that users follow at night and in the morning. Drawing on results, we created a next-generation alarm clock that highlights unusual situations to help users determine when and how to modify their routines to more effectively decide on an alarm time, what to wear, when to get out of bed, and when to leave for work.

mTunes.jpgMobile Tunes (mTunes) - We have created an application which takes advantage of the Intel Personal Server’s computational power, storage, and wireless capabilities to play music utilizing the display space of PC’s, laptops, PDAs or any other available displays and input devices. Using the Intel Personal Server and another Bluetooth enabled device, we establish a connection that can be accessed through standard web browsers to play MP3’s that reside on the Server. We envision the technology that drives this application being extended to a range of other scenarios (e.g. accessing pictures, movies, documents, and other types of media).

addtask.pngTaskMinder - TaskMinder is an electronic task management system, which uses information about the user's context to provide better support for task management through automated prioritization of tasks. TaskMinder leverages the user’s context (i.e. location, running applications, selected task priority and task history) to help the user determine what tasks can be effectively addressed, given the amount of time available. The user can provide the system feedback about a particular task via a set of buttons per task.

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Last modified 13 November 2007 at 10:11 am by blandry