- SemCor. 23,346 lemmas, 234,113 instances. Inventory: WordNet 1.6, 1.7, 1.7.1, 2.0.
Text sources: 80% Brown corpus, 20% a novel, The Red Badge of Courage.
- SemiSusanne, a semantically tagged and structurally annotated corpus formed from the union of the SUSANNE and SemCor corpora. 33 documents annotated with WordNet 1.6 senses.
- line, hard and serve corpora.
3 instances, 12,000+ instances. Inventory: WordNet 1.5. Text sources: Wall Street Journal,
American Printing House for the Blind, San Jose Mercury. Leacock, Towell, and Voorhees 1998.
- interest corpus.
1 lemma, 2,369 instances. Inventory: LDCOE
Text sources: Wall Street Journal.
Rebecca Bruce and Jan Wiebe.
- Hector is an Oxford University Press and DEC dictionary research project.
ca 300 lemmas, 200,000 instances. Inventory: Hector. (Atkins 1993)
Text source: A 20M-word pilot for the British National Corpus.
- DSO Corpus
191 lemmas, 192,800 instances. Inventory: WordNet 1.5.
Text sources: Brown Corpus, Wall Street Journal. (Ng and Lee 1996)
- Open Mind Word Expert
230 lemmas, 70,000 instances. Includes duplicates but the number is growing
daily; this is an on-line resource that web-users can add to at any time.
Inventory: WordNet 1.7.
Text source: Penn treebank, LA Times, others.(Chklovski and Mihalcea 2002)
- HKUST-Chinese
38,725 sentences. Inventory: Hownet.
Text source: Sinica corpus. (Gan Kwok-Wee and Wong Ping-Wai)
- Swedish corpus
179,151 instances tagged. Inventory: Gothenburg lexical database.
Text source: The SUC Corpus.(Jaerborg, Kokkinakis, and Toporowska).
- Image captions
2,304 lemmas, 8,816 instances. Inventory: WordNet 1.5.
Text source: Image captions of an image collection.
(Smeaton and Quigley 1996)
- Senseval-1
Senseval-1 resources
- Senseval-2
Senseval-2 resources