1996 First Author Search
- belitsky Tuning Circuit for NbN SIS Mixer, V. Belitsky and E. Kollberg
- betz A Practical Schottky Mixer for 5 THz (Part II) , A. Betz and R. Boreiko
- bin Antireflection-Coated Silicon Lenses for Low Noise 400-1040 GHz Quasioptical SIS Mixers, M. Bin, M. Gaidis, H.G. LeDuc, D. Miller, 1. Zmuidzinas
- bin Design and Characterization of a Quasi-Optical SIS Receiver for the 1 THz Band, M. Bin, M.C. Gaidis, D. Miller, J. Zmuidzinas, T.G. Phillips, H.G. LeDuc
- bishop A Novel Structure and Fabrication Process for Sub-Quarter-Micron THz Diodes, W.L. Bishop, S.M. Marazita, P.A.D. Wood, T.W. Crowe
- bruendermann Miniaturization of p-Ge Lasers: Progress Toward a Tunable, CW THz Laser, E. Bruendermann, A.M. Linhart, H.P. Roser, O.D. Dubon, W.L. Hansen, E.E. Haller
- bruston Design and Analysis of Broad-Band FixedTuned Submillimeter- Waveguide Multipliers Using MMIC Style Circuit Topology, J. Bruston, M. Kim, S.C. Martin, I. Mehdi, R.P. Smith, P.H. Siegel
- carlstrom The Millimeter Array, J. Carlstrom
- chen Full-Wave Numerical Modeling of Near-Field Beam Profiles at 200 and 700 GHz, M.T. Chen, C.E. Tong, L. Chen, S. Paine, R. Blundell
- delange Low-Noise Micromachined SIS-Mixers for Millimeter-Wave Imaging Arrays, G. de Lange, B.R. Jacobson, A. Rahman, E. Duerr and Q. Hu
- delap A Quasi-Optical, Subharnonically Pumped Double Slot Mixer, J.P. DeLap, T.M. Cunningham, R.M. Weikle, T.W. Crowe
- de_maagt Internal Reflections of, and Matching Layers for, Integrated Lens Antennas, P.J.I. de Maagt, MJ.M. van der Vorst, M.H.A.J. Herben
- east High Frequency Limitations of Diode Frequency Multipliers, J. East
- ellison First Results for a 2.5 THz Schottky Diode Waveguide Mixer, B.N. Ellison, B.J. Maddison, C.M. Mann, D.N. Matheson, M.L. Oldfield, S.M. Marazita, T.W. Crowe, P. Maaskant, W.M. Kelly
- filipovic Off-Axis Perfonnance of Dielectric Lens Antennas, D.F. Filipovic and G.M. Rebeiz
- galin A Mixer up to 300 GHz with Whiskerless Schottky Diodes for Spaceborne Radiometers, I. Galin
- gao Fabrication of Nb-SIS Mixers with UHV Evaporated Al Striplines, J.R. Gao, S. Kovtonyuk, J.B.M. Jegers, P. DieIeman, T.M. Klapwijk, H. van de Stadt
- gerecht Optimization of Hot Electron Bolometer Mixing Efficiency in NbN at 119 Micrometer Wavelength, E. Gerecht, C.F. Musante, Z. Wang, KS. Yngvesson, E.R. MueJIer, J. Waldman, G.N. GoI'tsman, B.M. Voronov, S.I. Cherednichenko, S.I. Svechnikov, P.A. Yagoubov, E.M. Gershenzon
- heiliger THz Signal Generators Based on Lift-Off LT-GaAs on Transparent Substrates , H.M. Heiliger, M. Vossebiirger, H.G. Roskos, R. Hey,K. Ploog, H. Kurz
- hesler Submillimeter Wavelength Waveguide Mixers using Planar Schottky Barrier Diodes, J.L. Hesler, W.R. Hall, T.W. Crowe, R.M. Weikle, B.S.Deaver, R.F. Bradley, S.K. Pan
- honingh Fixed Tuned Waveguide Mixers Around 450 GHz, 670 GHz and 810 GHz for a Dual Channel Receiver, C.E. Honingh, S. Haas, D. Hottgenroth, K. Jacobs, J. Stutzki
- jones Tripling to 250 GHz with Planar, Multiple Barrier Heterostructure Barrier Varactors, J.R. Jones, S.H. Jones, W.L. Bishop
- kamoua Thermal Considerations in the Design of D-Band InP Gunn Devices, R. Kamoua
- karpov Submillimeter Waveguide SIS Mixer with Full NbN Circuit , A. Karpov, B. Plathner, J. Blondel, M. Schicke, K.H. Gundlach
- karasik Modeling and Optimization of a High-Tc Hot Electron Superconducting Mixer for Terahertz Applications, B. Karasik, W.R. McGrath, M.C. Gaidis, M.J. Burns, A.W. Kleinsasser, KA. Delin, R.P. Vasquez
- kawamura Superconductive NbN Hot-Electron Bolometric Mixer Perfonnance at 250 GHz, J. Kawamura, R. Blundell, C.Y.E. Tong, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon, B. Voronov
- kawamura Spectroscopic Measurements of Optical Elements for Submillimeter Receivers, J. Kawamura, S. Paine, D.C. Papa
- kerr Design of Planar Image Separating and Balanced SIS Mixers, A.R. Kerr and S.K. Pan
- koh Novel Planar Varactor Diodes, P.J. Koh, W.C.B. Peatman, T.W. Crowe, N.R. Erickson
- kooi A 665 GHz Waveguide Receiver Using a Tuned 0.5 Jlm2 Nb/AlOx/Nb SIS Tunnel Junction, J.W. Kooi, M.S. Chan, H.G. LeDuc, T.G. Phillips
- kooi An 850 GHz Waveguide Receiver Using a Tuned Nb SIS Tunnel Junction Fabricated on a 1 micron Si3N4 Membrane , J.W. Kooi, M.S. Chan, P. Schaffer, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc, C.K. Walker, T.G. Phillips
- kukkonen Welcoming Remarks, Carl Kukkonen
- lea Progress on Characterization with Integrated Test Structures of Dielectric and Superconducting Films for SIS Mixer Circuits, D. M. Lea and A.W. Lichtenberger
- lubecke Performance of Micromechanical Tuning Elements in a 620 GHz Monolithic Integrated Circuit, V.M. Lubecke, W.R. McGrath, P.A. Stimson, D.B. Rutledge
- mehdi 200 GHz Waveguide Based Subharnonically Pumped Mixers with Planar Schottky Diodes, I. Mehdi, T. Lee, R Dengler, A. Pease, J. Oswald, D. Humphrey, S. Martin, R.P. Smith, P.H. Siegel
- nebosis Rigorous Analysis of a Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer: Theory and Comparison with Experiment, R.S. Nebosis, A.D. Semenov, Yu. P. Gousev, K.F. Renk
- nitsche THz Quasi-Planar Schottky Diode Design , R. Nitsche, R.U. Titz, E.M. Biebl
- pan SIS Mixer Analysis with Non-Zero Intermediate Frequencies, S.K. Pan and A.R. Kerr
- schoelkopf Spectrum of Output Noise in Diffusion and Phonon Cooled Hot E1ectron Superconducting Mixers, R.J. Schoelkopf, PJ. Burke, D.E. Prober, A. Skalare, W.R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc
- shaalan An Integrated 435 GHz Quasi-Optical Frequency Tripler , M. Shaalan, D. Steup, A. Grub, A. Simon, C.I. Lin, A. Vogt, V. Krozer, H. Brand, H.L. Hartnagel
- shitov Development of a Superconducting Integrated Receiver for Application in Imaging Arrays, S.V. Shitov, V.P. Koshelets, A.M. Baryshev, L.V. Filippenko, Th. de Graauw, J.R. Gao, W. Luinge, H. van de Stadt, N.D. Whyborn, P. Lehikoinen
- shitov Wide-Band Quasi-Optical SIS Mixers for Integrated Receivers up to 1200 GHz, S.V. Shitov, A.M. Baryshev, V.P. Koshelets, J.-R. Gao, J. Jegers, W. Luinge, H. van de Stadt, Th. de Graauw
- siegel The Dielectric-Filled Parabola: Concept and Applications Review, P.H. Siegel, R. Dengler, M. Kim and P. Stimson
- skalare Niobium Superconducting Diffusion-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers Above 1 THz, A. Skalare, W.R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc, P.J. Burke, R.J. Schoelkopf, D.E. Prober
- thorton A Design Approach for Planar Waveguide Launching Structures, J. Thorton, C.M. Mann
- tong Sub-Millimeter Distributed Quasiparticle Receiver Employing A Non-Linear Transmission Line, C.Y.E. Tong, R. Blundell, B. Bumble, J.A. Stern, H.G. LeDuc
- trifonov 9.6 micron Wavelength Mixing in a Patterned YBa2Cu307 Thin Film, V.A. Trifonov, B.S. Karasik, M.A. Zorin, G.N. Gol'tsman, E.M. Gershenzon, M. Lindgren, M. Danerud, D. Winkler
- uzawa Quasi-Optical Submillimeter Wave SIS Mixers with NbN/AIN/NbN Tunnel Junctions, Y. Uzawa, Z. Wang, A. Kawakami
- van_de_stadt An Improved 1 THz Waveguide Mixer, H. van de Stadt, A. Baryshev, J.-R. Gao, H. Golstein, Th. de Graauw, W. Hulshoff, S. Kovtonyuk, H. Schaeffer, N.D. Whyborn
- wang A Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Bolometer Array Camera for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory, N. Wang, T.R. Hunter, D.J. Benford, E. Serabyn, D.C. Lis, T.G. Phillips, S.H. Moseley, K. Boyce, A Szymkowiak, C. Allen, B. Mott, J. Gygax
- withington Theoretical Analysis of Superconducting SubmiI1imetre Wave Microstrip Transmission Line, S. Withington and G. Yassin
- withington A Horn-Reflector Antenna for High Performance Submillimetre Wave Applications, S. Withington, G. Yassin, M. Buffey, C. Norden
- yagoubov The Bandwidth of HEB Mixers Employing Ultrathin NbN Films on Sapphire Substrate, P. Yagoubov, G.N. Gol'tsman, B. Voronov, L. Seidman, V. Siomash, S. Cherednichenko, E. Gershenzon
- yagoubov Quasioptical Phonon-Cooled NbN Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer at THz Frequencies , P. Yagoubov, G. Gol'tsman, B. Voronov, S. Svechnikov, S. Cherednichenko, E. Gershenzon, V. Belitsky, H. Ekstrom, E. Kollberg, A.D. Semenov, YU.P. Gousev, K.F. Renk
- yassin A Broad-Band 230 GHz Antipodal Finline Mixer for Array Receivers, G. Yassin, S. Withington, R. Padman, M.S. Goodchild, M.G. Blamire