Lipor, John, and Laura Balzano. 2014. “Robust Blind Calibration via Total Least Squares.” In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 4244–48. ieee link
Balzano, Laura, and Robert Nowak. 2008. “Blind Calibration of Networks of Sensors: Theory and Algorithms.” In Networked Sensing Information and Control, edited by Venkatesh Saligrama, 9–37. Springer US. springer link
Balzano, Laura, and Robert Nowak. 2007. “Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks.” In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 79–88. acm link
Here are some documents related to the IPSN 2007 paper. For code for the 2014 robust version, please visit this link.
Slides from the EE ARR Talk: available here.
Calibration data from the NESL CVS (currently not available as of March 2018, working on finding a new link): available here.
Cold Air Drainage data used for the IPSN paper: