EECS 542: Advanced Topics in Computer Vision

This class is from a previous semester

Instructor: David Fouhey (fouhey)

GSI: Ryan Szeto (szetor)

Class: Monday/Wednesday 10:30AM - NOON, Zoom

Zoom link: Check canvas!


This is a graduate-level course incorporating two components. The first is weekly group-driven reading and active discussion and debating of work in computer vision. The second are projects that find a particular problem; make a concrete hypothesis and experiments to test it; and execute them computationally using realistic data. Throughout, you are expected to meaningfully contribute, engage with the material, and engage with the class.


Here is the syllabus.

Credit for materials

  • I am extremely grateful to the many researchers who have made their slides and course materials available and have done my best to credit people.

  • Please feel to re-use any of my materials while crediting appropriately and making sure original attributions to these generous researchers is preserved.

  • If you use my materials, please also consider making your material available online as well to pay it forward.