Thank you for your interests.
I'm actively looking to working with motivated students who have strong interests in developing new algorithms
and/or building software systems.
Background in programming languages (EECS 490/590), software engineering (EECS 481), compilers (EECS 483), or
formal methods is highly relevant, but not necessarily required.
Prospective PhD students
I'm actively recruiting new PhD students every year.
If you're interested in working with me, please send me an email to initiate the conversation. While I may
not be able to always repond to emails, I will read all of them and I will review all PhD applications that
mention my name.
Please follow our deparment's graduate
admissions procedure and choose me in the application system as one of your
potential advisors as well as mention my name in your statement. This is very important in order for me to
be able to see your application; without that, I may not be able to find your application.
Prospective Masters students
Please follow our deparment's graduate
admissions procedure. Feel free to indicate in your application that you want to work with me,
however, decisions will be made by the Masters Admissions Committee.
Current UMich graduate students
I'm interested in working with current graduate students at UMich on research projects. Please send me
email to initiate the conversation and fill this
Current UMich undergraduate students
I'm generally interested in mentoring a few undergraduate students every year. Please send me an email
to initiate the conversation and fill this
form. At the beginning of each semester, I will reach out to students who are interested in taking
EECS 499 with me. I'm also interested in working with undergraduate students during summers, for instance,
through the
SURE program.
Research interns (non-UMich students)
I'm open to working with students outside UMich if there is a strong match. Please fill this
form and send me
an email to initiate the conversation.