Xinyu Wang
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Email: xwangsd@umich.edu
Office: 4620 Beyster
Twitter: @xwangsd
[Research] [Teaching] [Publications] [Team] [Service] [CV]
Demonstration of the VeriEQL Equivalence Checker for Complex SQL Queries
Data-Driven Insight Synthesis for Multi-Dimensional Data
VeriEQL: Bounded Equivalence Verification for Complex SQL Queries with Integrity Constraints
Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis for Programs with Local Variables
IaC-Eval: A code generation benchmark for Infrastructure-as-Code programs
OpenInfra: A Co-simulation Framework for the Infrastructure Nexus
SlabCity: Whole-Query Optimization using Program Synthesis
Simplifying Cloud Management with Cloudless Computing
MIWA: Mixed-Initiative Web Automation for Better User Control and Confidence
DiLogics: Creating Web Automation Programs with Diverse Logics
Fast and Reliable Program Synthesis via User Interaction
SemanticOn: Specifying Content-Based Semantic Conditions for Web Automation
Programs [pdf][demo]
INTENT: Interactive Tensor Transformation Synthesis [pdf] [code]
NL2Viz: Natural Language to Visualization via Constrained Syntax-Guided Synthesis
WebRobot: Web Robotic Process Automation using Interactive
Programming-by-Demonstration [pdf]
Web Question Answering with Neurosymbolic Program Synthesis [pdf] [code]
Synthesizing Data Structure Refinements from Integrity Constraints [pdf]
Interpretable Program Synthesis [pdf][code]
Automated Policy Synthesis for System Call Sandboxing [pdf]
Sketch-Driven Regular Expression Generation from Natural Language and
Examples [pdf][code] |
Interactive Program Synthesis by Augmented Examples [pdf][code]
Multi-Modal Synthesis of Regular Expressions [pdf][code] |
An Efficient Programming-by-Example Framework [pdf] |
Relational Program Synthesis [pdf] |
Learning Abstractions for Program Synthesis [pdf]
Automated Migration of Hierarchical Data to Relational Tables using
Programming-by-Example [pdf][code] |
Program Synthesis using Abstraction Refinement [pdf]
Synthesis of Data Completion Scripts using Finite Tree Automata
[pdf] |
FIDEX: Filtering Spreadsheet Data using Examples [pdf] |
EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven Exploration of Interprocedural
Control Flow Properties [pdf]
Bottom-up Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for Java
[pdf] |