Thank you for your participation in this study. This short video will inform you about the overall structure of the experiment. While watching the video, you may have additional questions; please hold these until the end of the video and we'll be happy to answer them. To participate in this study, you must be at least 18 years old, be able to see well without glasses (contact lenses are ok), and pass an MRI safety screening. In general, to pass you must not have any metal in your body. There are certainly exceptions, but these should always be discussed with the study investigators. The final major requirement is that you are able to read and understand code written in C. The tasks you will be performing depend on that knowledge. As we discuss those tasks, if you feel you could not confidently answer the questions asked, please inform the study investigator. The purpose of this study is to understand the neural activation patterns -- what's going on in your head -- when you engage in three tasks. They are code review (reviewing and evaluating changes to code), code comprehension (reading and understanding code), and prose review (reviewing and evaluating changes to written English). The results obtained by comparing these activation patterns could lead to better training or education about those tasks in the future. The general structure of this study is as follows: we start with a short localization scan. This locates your brain and maps out its areas. Then, a longer high-resolution scan is taken. This lasts about two and a half minutes. The more you can hold still during this time, the better the image of your brain that you receive will be. Finally, there are four main runs of the experimental tasks. Each will be about 11 minutes and consist of 3 of each type of task. The tasks will always be grouped together, meaning all three code comprehension activities will be together in a block. However, the order of the blocks will be random. In between any of the runs, you are welcome to request a mental break, and we will let you rest for a few minutes. Before we look at any of the experimental tasks, take a look at this screen. We call this a fixation; when you see it, you are not required to be doing anything. It simply gives your brain a small break. It lasts for a random duration (anywhere between 2 and 10 seconds). You will see a fixation screen between all tasks. Now, we will explain each of the three tasks in detail. The code comprehension task asks you to read a code segment and evaluate a claim made about that code. If you believe the claim is true, you'll use the leftmost button on your keypad to indicate that you accept the claim. Otherwise, use the second button to indicate that you do not accept the claim as true. We'll show you the button box in person and make sure you know which buttons to press. You'll have 60 seconds for each of these tasks. Let's take a look at one together now. The top contains a short code snippet, and the bottom contains a claim about that snippet. Sometimes a claim will reference a marked line; the red arrow in this figure is how we designate marked lines. Spend a moment evaluating this claim.... As it turns out, the claim is false; the first two conditions are not necessary. Only the third condition (t2p does not equal NULL) is required to execute the marked line. If you have trouble determining this on your own, you should alert the study investigator. With that being said, it is of relatively low importance that you answer the question correctly. Instead, the most important thing is that you think about the task for as long as you need and indicate an answer as soon as you cannot reasonably consider the task for any longer. If you indicate your selection before the 60 seconds elapse, the sample will remain on the screen for the entire 60 seconds, but will will not be measuring your neural activity after you answer. If, however, 60 seconds elapse and you have not indicated your selection, the screen will switch to the next fixation and you should indicate a response as quickly as possible. In the code review task, you will be shown an actual code review scenario from an open-source project. It displays a diff of the code (showing lines that have been removed or added from the code snippet), along with any comments supplied by the developer who submitted the request. You are asked to evaluate the code changes and indicate whether you believe this code change should be accepted or not. The duration of each of these is also 60 seconds. Take a look at this sample. In standard diff format, lines that have been removed show a minus on the left; lines that have been added show a plus. In this particular format, removed lines are also highlighted green and added lines are highlighted purple. Below the diff, you can see developer comments. You are shown both the title of the code change request and also the comments by the submitting developer. These are separated by a blank line. Take a moment to evaluate this sample...In this case, different people could legitimately have differing feelings about the quality of this code change request, so there is not necessarily a correct answer. Lastly, the prose review task will display changes to English prose and ask you to evaluate those changes. The sample is displayed in a Microsoft Word track changes style. You have 60 seconds for each of these tasks. Here is a sample. To make sure you understand the edit markings, I'll walk through what has been changed in this sample. The comma after Lauralee has been removed, "a" has been replaced with "per", the semicolon after "week" has been removed, and "since" has been capitalized. Take a moment to consider this sample...Again, different people have different responses to this sample. If you think these edits should be accepted, you would indicate that on the button box. Following the scan, you will be asked to participate in a short questionnaire. The study investigators will bring up a few of the samples you encountered during the scan and ask you to explain your decision. This is not meant to be intimidating; we are simply looking to collect information on what you considered when evaluating the samples. That's it! Let the study investigator know if you have any questions!