#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -z $CODE_EXPAND_PATH ]]; then echo "Looks like \$CODE_EXPAND_PATH isn't set." echo "Please set this ENV variable to directory where `code_expand.py` exists" echo "This is usually set up in the root directory of this repo with `set_env.sh`" return 0; fi export CODEFLAWS_BASE=$PWD git clone https://github.com/codeflaws/codeflaws.git codeflaws_repo wget -c http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~release/codeflaws/codeflaws.tar.gz tar xvzf codeflaws.tar.gz cp -r codeflaws codeflaws-trans cp $CODEFLAWS_BASE/transform.bash codeflaws-trans/ pushd codeflaws-trans ./transform.bash popd #copying run scripts that allow for baseline and transform testing cp run-version-*.sh codeflaws_repo/all-script/ cp validate-fix-*.sh codeflaws_repo/all-script/ echo -e "Hello user! \nThe Codeflaws repo requires you to locally install a number of APR tools to use them." echo -e "NOTE:: Please make sure you update \'run-version*.sh\' scripts to account for these tool paths" echo -e "This includes our \'run-version-prophet*.sh\' scripts that have been copied into the \'codeflaws_repo/all-script\' directory"