source("") #import appropriate libraries library(tidyverse, ggthemes) library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(lmtest) library(sensemakr) library(ggfortify) library(dplyr) library(MASS) library(car) #set working directory setwd("/Users/mfansher/Box/Spatial_Reasoning/") #Clean the data, calculate accuracy scores for reading, programming, and spatial ability measures data = read_csv("SPC.csv") %>% mutate(id = 1:n()) %>% filter(AttendedPosttest == TRUE & NumTrainingSessions >= 6 & ! & ! %>% mutate(PreYoon = PreYoon/30, PrePFT = Pre/20, PostPFT = Post/20, PreRead = PreReadII/25, PostYoon = PostYoon/30, PostRead = PostRead/25, PreProg = PreProg/12, PostProgOld = PostProgI/12, PostProgNew = (PostProgII-PostProgI)/15, PostProgBoth = PostProgII/27, EngNat = ifelse(grepl("engl",Language), 1, ifelse(grepl("Engl", Language), 1, 0)), FeelHelped = ifelse(FeelHelped == "No", "No", ifelse(FeelHelped == "Yes", "Yes", "Unsure"))) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #This document provides the model specification for each of the multiple linear regression models reported. #For each of the models reported below, if you wish to test that the assumptions of the model are not violated, #copy and paste the code below, replacing "model" with the name of the model that you wish to test. ##Check statistical assumptions of multiple regression #testing for independence of observations dwtest(#model formula here, data = data) #check for homoscedasticity ncvTest(model) #shapiro wilk normality test sresid <- studres(model) shapiro.test(sresid) #check for multicolinearity by inspecting VIFs car::vif(model) #check for linearity, outliers, and visually inspect normality #residuals vs fitted plot, residuals vs leverage plot w Cook's distance, normal q-q plot plot(model) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #RESULTS #training effectiveness validation #dv = yoon post test, iv = yoon pre-test, trainingtype #run model model1 <- lm(data = data, PostYoon ~ PreYoon+TrainingType) summary(model1) #dv = reading post test, iv = reading pre-test, trainingtype #run model model2 <- lm(data = data, PostRead ~ PreReadII+TrainingType) summary(model2) #dv = pft post test, iv = pft pre-test, trainingtype #run model model3 <- lm(data = data, PostPFT ~ PrePFT+TrainingType) summary(model3) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #RQ1. Does reading training improve programming abilities? #dv = programming post-test, iv = programming pre-test, training type #run model model4 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ PreProg+TrainingType) summary(model4) #calculate the size of the effects (cohens f2) partial_f2(model4) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #RQ2. #We analyze if the Reading Treatment’s benefit varies based on programming question type #dv = code completion acc @ post-test #iv = code completion acc @ pre-test, training type #run model model5 <- lm(data = data, PostCode ~ Code_Comp+TrainingType) summary(model5) #dv = definitional acc @ post-test #iv = definitional acc @ pre-test, training type #run model model6 <- lm(data = data, PostDef ~ PreDefinitional+TrainingType) summary(model6) #dv = tracing acc @ post-test #iv = tracing acc @ pre-test, training type #run model model7 <- lm(data = data, PostTrace ~ PreTracing+TrainingType) summary(model7) #calculate the size of the effects (cohens f2) partial_f2(model7) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #RQ3. #participant subpopulation effects #dv = programming acc @ post-test #iv = preyoon, training type, preyoon*training type, programming pretest score #run model model10 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ PreYoon*TrainingType+PreProg) summary(model10) #dv = programming acc @ post-test #iv = prePFT, training type, prePFT*training type, programming pretest score #run model model11 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ PrePFT*TrainingType+PreProg) summary(model11) #dv = programming acc @ post-test #iv = preReading, training type, preReadingtraining type, programming pretest score #run model model12 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ PreRead*TrainingType+PreProg) summary(model12) #dv = programming acc @ post-test #iv = native english speaker, training type, english speaker*training type, programming pretest score #run model model13 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ EngNat*TrainingType+PreProg) summary(model13) #dv = programming acc @ post-test #iv = gender, training type, gender*training type, programming pretest score #run model model14 <- lm(data = data, PostProgBoth ~ Gender*TrainingType+PreProg) summary(model14) #_______________________________________________________________________________________ #Incoming Spatial Ability compared to other studies t.test(data$PrePFT, mu = .55, alternative = "two.sided") t.test(data$PreYoon, mu = .505, alternative = "two.sided") #RQ5 Free analysis response tbl = table(data$EffectedPlans, data$TrainingType) chisq.test(tbl) tbl2 = table(data$FeelHelped, data$TrainingType) chisq.test(tbl2) #Reproduce Figures data %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(PreProg,PostProgBoth), names_to = "time", values_to = "score") %>% mutate(time = ifelse(time=="PreProg","Pre-test","Post-test"), time = factor(time,unique(time))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=score, colour=TrainingType, group=TrainingType)) + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1),geom="line") + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1)) + geom_point(position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = .5,dodge.width = .1),alpha = .75, size = .4) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") + scale_x_discrete("Time") + scale_y_continuous("Score")+ theme_classic(base_size = 12)+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggsave("prog.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3) data %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(PreTracing,PostTrace), names_to = "time", values_to = "score") %>% mutate(time = ifelse(time=="PreTracing","Pre-test","Post-test"), time = factor(time,unique(time))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=score, colour=TrainingType, group=TrainingType)) + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1),geom="line") + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1)) + geom_point(position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = .5,dodge.width = .1),alpha = .75, size = .4) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") + scale_x_discrete("Time") + scale_y_continuous("Score")+ theme_classic(base_size = 12)+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggsave("trace.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3) data %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(PreDefinitional,PostDef), names_to = "time", values_to = "score") %>% mutate(time = ifelse(time=="PreDefinitional","Pre-test","Post-test"), time = factor(time,unique(time))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=score, colour=TrainingType, group=TrainingType)) + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1),geom="line") + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1)) + geom_point(position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = .5,dodge.width = .1),alpha = .75, size = .4) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") + scale_x_discrete("Time") + scale_y_continuous("Score")+ theme_classic(base_size = 12)+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggsave("def.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3) data %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(Code_Comp,PostCode), names_to = "time", values_to = "score") %>% mutate(time = ifelse(time=="Code_Comp","Pre-test","Post-test"), time = factor(time,unique(time))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=score, colour=TrainingType, group=TrainingType)) + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1),geom="line") + stat_summary(position=position_dodge(.1)) + geom_point(position=position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = .5,dodge.width = .1),alpha = .75, size = .4) + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") + scale_x_discrete("Time") + scale_y_continuous("Score")+ theme_classic(base_size = 12)+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggsave("code.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3) data %>% mutate(N = n()) %>% mutate(FeelHelped = factor(FeelHelped,unique(FeelHelped))) %>% group_by(TrainingType, FeelHelped) %>% summarise(percent = (n()/N) * 100) %>% ggplot(aes(x=FeelHelped, y=percent, fill=TrainingType, group=TrainingType, colour = TrainingType))+ geom_col(width=.7,position = position_dodge(.72)) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+ scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")+ scale_x_discrete("Response")+ scale_y_continuous("Percent of Participants")+ theme_get()+ theme(legend.position = "none", axis.text.x=element_text(size=10), axis.text.y=element_text(size=8)) ggsave("helped.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3) data %>% mutate(N = n()) %>% mutate(EffectedPlans = factor(EffectedPlans,unique(EffectedPlans))) %>% group_by(TrainingType, EffectedPlans) %>% summarise(percent = (n()/N) * 100) %>% ggplot(aes(x=EffectedPlans, y=percent, fill=TrainingType, group=TrainingType, colour = TrainingType))+ geom_col(width=.7,position = position_dodge(.72)) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+ scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")+ scale_x_discrete("Response")+ scale_y_continuous("Percent of Participants")+ theme_get()+ theme(legend.position = "none", axis.text.x=element_text(size=10), axis.text.y=element_text(size=8)) ggsave("plans.pdf", units="in", height = 3, width = 3)