EECS 280

g++ Command Summary



1. Command Line Options (Flags)


Command Line Options can be used simultaneously, for example you could use both the –o and –g flags.


% g++ <project files (.cpp)>

      Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file a.out.  a.out is automatically overwritten.


% g++ -c <project files (.cpp)>

      Compiles <project files> but does not link.  Produces an object file (.o) for each file in <project files>


% g++ -g <project files (.cpp)>

      Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file a.out.  Symbolic debugging information is contained in the executable for gdb or dbx.


% g++ -O <project files (.cpp)>

      Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file a.out.  Code is optimized.


% g++ <project files (.cpp)>  -o <executable name>

      Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file <executable name>.  <executable name> is automatically overwritten.


% g++ -Wall <project files (.cpp)>

Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file a.out.  All warnings are reported during compiling.


% g++ -w <project files (.cpp)>

Compiles <project files>, links them and creates the executable in the file a.out.  No warnings are reported during compiling.


2. More information


% man g++


Adapted from the GNU g++ manual page.


     Last Update: D. Emerson 9/7/2002 10:46:27 AM