EECS 494: Assignment 1

Game Review

Assigned: September 6, 2006

Due: 3:10pm, September 11, 2006, in class.

Choose a game and write a review of it. You can select a game that you've played and know well or a new game that you plan on playing madly all weekend and becoming familiar with.

Your review should be at least 2 pages long (no more than 4 please). To receive full credit for your paper, your discussion should include (but not necessarily be limited to) each of the topics listed below. Also, think about what you've like and disliked in the reviews you've read before. Feel free to organize the paper however you like but remember that a review has to be informative and entertaining in order to hold the reader's attention. When you give an opinion, back it up with evidence, such as examples of game play. Your grade will be based on whether it is comprehensive (covers the items below), informative, entertaining, and has good support for your opinions and arguments.

If you need an example, read any one of the longer reviews at