Stella X. Yu : Papers / Google Scholar

Neural Multigrid Architectures
Tsung-Wei Ke and Michael Maire and Stella X. Yu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-25 July 2017
Paper | arXiv

We propose a multigrid extension of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Rather than manipulating representations living on a single spatial grid, our network layers operate across scale space, on a pyramid of grids. They consume multigrid inputs and produce multigrid outputs; convolutional filters themselves have both within-scale and cross-scale extent. This aspect is distinct from simple multiscale designs, which only process the input at different scales. Viewed in terms of information flow, a multigrid network passes messages across a spatial pyramid. As a consequence, receptive field size grows exponentially with depth, facilitating rapid integration of context. Most critically, multigrid structure enables networks to learn internal attention and dynamic routing mechanisms, and use them to accomplish tasks on which modern CNNs fail.

Experiments demonstrate wide-ranging performance advantages of multigrid. On CIFAR and ImageNet classification tasks, flipping from a single grid to multigrid within the standard CNN paradigm improves accuracy, while being compute and parameter efficient. Multigrid is independent of other architectural choices; we show synergy in combination with residual connections. Multigrid yields dramatic improvement on a synthetic semantic segmentation dataset. Most strikingly, relatively shallow multigrid networks can learn to directly perform spatial transformation tasks, where, in contrast, current CNNs fail. Together, our results suggest that continuous evolution of features on a multigrid pyramid is a more powerful alternative to existing CNN designs on a flat grid.

neural networks, progressive multigrid, deep learning