
The main class in Visual Soar that begins the application is called VisualSoar.  

This class creates an instance of the JFrame MainFrame and makes the frame visible.

The class MainFrame is where all the initialization and all of the top level actions take place.  Top level actions include such things as creating a new project, saving a project, opening a project, checking productions in a project and generating a datamap.  The MainFrame class is also responsible for the initialization of the STI tools and also in charge of the windowing within the application.

The class MainFrame creates instances of the following classes which do most of the work in Visual Soar:

CustomDesktopPane Class controls the portion of the frame where the inner frames (rule editors, datamaps) reside.
TemplateManager Initializes and loads the templates available for use in the rule editors.
Preferences Loads and implements the preferences from the preferences file.
OperatorWindow Class responsible for all of the project information.
Feedback List Class responsible for all of the methods and information in the feedback window.

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