.DM file

The .dm file contains the information for working memory.

Unlike the .vsa file, there is only one format for these files.

The SoarWorkingMemoryReader is responsible for reading in the .dm file and creating the Visual Soar Working Memory model.  The swmm.write() method is a method of the SoarWorkingMemoryModel class that writes out all the necessary information to the .dm file.


The first line of the .dm file contains the number of Vertices that are in working memory.

The following lines list the vertices in the following format..

Vertex Type        Unique Vertex ID        Number of Enumeration Strings        The strings

Only those with Vertex Type, ENUMERATION will contain the last two fields.

Vertex Types INTEGER_RANGE or FLOAT_RANGE will contain two fields representing their min and max range numbers.


Following the vertices is an integer representing the number of edges in Working Memory.

Following that is a list of all the edges in this project's Working Memory model.

The edges are in the following format:

starting Vertex ID        Edge Name        ending Vertex ID


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