**NOTE**: Your reviews do not have to follow this format. But you must summarize the key points of the paper and your thoughts. Your review also must answer the paper-specific questions, if any, listed on the schedule. Be brief and articulate in your review. ===================================================== ## Review for "Paper Title XXX" [your name] & [date] ### Motivation & goal - What problem is this work addressing? - Why the problem is important? - What goals does this work aim to achieve? ### Related work - What are the state-of-the-art solutions addressing this problem? - Why they are inadequate? ### Idea & insight - What is the key idea of this work? - What is the insight, if any, behind this idea? - Why *might* this idea be better than prior work? ### Solution - Roughly speaking, how does the solution work? - What are the key techniques and algorithms used in the solution? ### Assumption & limitations - What assumptions do the proposed solution make? - Are these assumptions reasonable? Are there any assumption that the authors did not describe in the paper? - What limitations does this solution have? ### Effectiveness - What experiments, analyses are conducted to evaluate the solution? - Do these results and analyses back up the paper's claims? - Are there any missing aspects in the evaluation? ### Comparison - How does this work compare with some other works we have read/discussed? - Does it take a radically different approach or draw a surprising conclusion? - Or is it more or less in line with the direction in the other works? ### Learning & thoughts - Are you convinced that the proposed idea/solution is good? - that it will work well in practice? - e.g., will you be comfortable using it? - If not, what flaws you see in the work that can be improved? - What are the new things you learned from this paper? ### Unanswered questions - What questions are you left with? - Are there any confusing parts of the paper that are not addressed? - If you were the authors, is there anything you would do differently? ### Historical papers only - What historical context (e.g., hardware trend) was the work in? - What things you were taking for granted but now understand how they came to be? - Is the paper still relevant for today? - If so, in what way? - If not, what has changed? ### Conclusion - What conclusion do you draw from this work? - What are the main take-away messages? - Can you relate to the findings/solutions/results from your own experience? - How may this work influence the way we build systems in the future? ### Assigned paper questions * Q: XXX - A: