Low Power Mesh Algorithms for Image Problems

Quentin F. Stout
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan


Extended Abstract: We analyze a physically motivated fine-grained mesh-connected computer model, assuming that a word of information takes a fixed area and that it takes unit time and unit energy to move a word unit distance. This is a representation of computing on a chip with myriad tiny processors arranged as a mesh.

While most mesh algorithms assume all processors are active at all times, we give algorithms that have only a few processors active at any one time, which reduces the power required. We apply this approach to basic problems involving images, showing that there can be dramatic reductions in the peak power with only small, if any, changes in the time required.

The algorithms are described in terms of ``squirrels’’ which carry information from one place to another, or which take a path in which they are looking for appropriate information. The presence of a squirrel indicates that the processor is active.

We also show that these algorithms give a more efficient way to utilize power when more power is available. Here we still use the same pattern of activating processors, but use the extra power to increase their clock rate, i.e., to speed up the computation.

Keywords: fine-grained, mesh-connected computer, low power algorithm, image processing, connected components, maze, closest point problems, time/power tradeoffs.

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Related work: Much of this work was first disclosed in an abstract at Symp. Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) 2006.

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