High Performance Computer Methods Applied to Predictive
Space Weather Simulations
C.R. Clauer, T.I. Gombosi, D.L. De Zeeuw, J.J. Ridley, K.G. Powell,
B. van Leer, Q F. Stout,
C.P.T. Groth, T.E. Holzer
Center for Space Environment Modeling
University of Michigan
Taking advantage of the advent of massively parallel computers, sophisticated
solution-adaptive techniques, and recent fundamental advances in basic
numerical methods we have developed a high-performance, adaptive-scale
MHD code capable of resolving many of the critical processes in the
Sun-Earth system which range over more than nine orders of magnitude.
The development of such models are of increasing importance as the
impact of space weather on vulnerable technological systems increases, and
too, as the severity of space weather increases with the approach of
solar maximum. There is an increasing need to develop physics-based, high
performance models of the Sun-Earth system from the solar surface to
the Earth's upper atmosphere which can operate faster than real time
and which can provide reliable predictions of the near Earth space
environment based upon solar observations and upstream solar wind
measurements. We report on the status of the Michigan adaptive-scale
MHD model, which is one effort whose goal is the development of an
operational predictive space weather model.
high performance computing, parallel computing, supercomputing,
adaptive blocks,
adaptive mesh refinement, Cartesian adaptive grid,
space weather prediction, space physics,
computer science
Complete paper
This paper appears in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28 (2000),
pp. 1931-1937.
IEEE digitized the paper and made it available
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