In Proc. 1985 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing,
IEEE, pp. 697-699.
Varying Diameter and Problem Size in Mesh-Connected
Preliminary version
Russ Miller
Dept. of Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo
Quentin F. Stout
EECS Department, University of Michigan
On a mesh-connected computer, moving data across the mesh is the most
time-consuming operation in many algorithms.
This time can be reduced by using a mesh with smaller diameter, i.e.,
with fewer processing elements.
To accommodate inputs of the same size, this requires that the processors have
more memory.
For image processing and graph theoretic algorithms we analyze the time as a
function of the mesh diameter and problem size.
We show that for many problems, smaller diameters can yield faster algorithms,
and that there is a choice of diameter
that is simultaneously best for several of these problems.
Further, for these problems and this number of processing elements (or any
smaller number), the mesh is an optimal interconnection scheme.
Keywords: parallel computer,
mesh computer, semigroup operations, component labeling, image processing,
convex hull, minimal spanning forest, communication bounds, parallel algorithm,
graph theory, computer science, supercomputing, parallel computing
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