Jason Mars » Teaching http://jasonmars.org Assistant Professor of Computer Science @ University of Michigan Thu, 08 Jan 2015 17:15:21 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1 EECS 598: Seminar on Cross Layer Architectures and Runtimes in Ten Years http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-598-seminar-on-cross-layer-architectures-and-runtimes-in-ten-years/ http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-598-seminar-on-cross-layer-architectures-and-runtimes-in-ten-years/#comments Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:56:17 +0000 http://jasonmars.org/?p=137 The course will take an in-depth look at the current and future trends in the design of computer architectures and system platforms for emerging computing domains, in particular Cloud and Mobile Platforms. This course will be focused on deconstructing the high impact work that is fresh off the presses and understanding how these works may be bellwethers of things to come.

This is a paper reading and research project course. We’ll read 2 papers a week presented by students. Students are expected to present on your turn, read the assigned papers, and participate in discussions when it is not your turn. In addition we’ll do a research project, to be turned in before Monday of finals week. You can work individually on the research project or combine forces with others for group projects.

The selection of papers that we’ll read from is listed here:

Bleeding Edge Paper List

http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-598-seminar-on-cross-layer-architectures-and-runtimes-in-ten-years/feed/ 0
EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization (Fall 2014) http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014-2/ http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014-2/#comments Sat, 06 Sep 2014 08:29:41 +0000 http://jasonmars.org/?p=26 Course Website

This course is intended to give you a basic understanding of how computers execute programs. Understanding computers means understanding the hardware/software process of how you and the computer work together to have the computer carry out a task.

In your introductory programming courses (e.g. EECS 280), you learned how to express a task in terms of a high-level programming language such as C/C++. In EECS 370, you will see how a low-level language is executed by the hardware, and you will see how to put together basic hardware building blocks to form the functional units of a computer.

To achieve these goals, you will design and “build” simple computers at various levels of detail. In this course, building will not mean connecting chips and gates. Rather, you will describe the hardware in diagrams, finite-state machines, and hardware simulators (written in C). To further your understanding of other topics, we will provide practice questions that will be discussed in the discussion sections.

Teaching Evaluation: 86% (4.3/5)

http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014-2/feed/ 0
EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization (Winter 2014) http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014/ http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014/#comments Fri, 03 Jan 2014 08:23:01 +0000 http://jasonmars.org/?p=23 Course Website

This course is intended to give you a basic understanding of how computers execute programs. Understanding computers means understanding the hardware/software process of how you and the computer work together to have the computer carry out a task.

In your introductory programming courses (e.g. EECS 280), you learned how to express a task in terms of a high-level programming language such as C/C++. In EECS 370, you will see how a low-level language is executed by the hardware, and you will see how to put together basic hardware building blocks to form the functional units of a computer.

To achieve these goals, you will design and “build” simple computers at various levels of detail. In this course, building will not mean connecting chips and gates. Rather, you will describe the hardware in diagrams, finite-state machines, and hardware simulators (written in C). To further your understanding of other topics, we will provide practice questions that will be discussed in the discussion sections.

Teaching Evaluation: 93% (4.65/5)

http://jasonmars.org/teaching/eecs-370-introduction-to-computer-organization-winter-2014/feed/ 0