The course home page has been updated with plans for the month of February: There's lot of new material, so please read carefully. I've placed a checkbox ("[ ]") next to ACTION ITEMS. === AS SOON AS POSSIBLE === [ ] Visit the following project rendezvous page and enter the relevant information: URL EMAILED. === TUESDAY AND THURSDAY CLASSES === We'll discuss four papers on Tuesday and four papers on Thursday. [ ] Everyone should read all of the papers, submit reviews to HotCRP, and come prepared to lead or help discuss them. Review submission site: NOTE: I will add these papers to HotCRP by Sunday evening (you won't be able to submit your reviews until then). For each paper paper, I've selected three students to lead the discussion (marked on the homepage): - The first student (uniquename colored black) will present the background and summary of the paper (target 4 minutes). - The second student (uniquename colored green) will serve as the lead protagonist for the paper (target 4 minutes). - The third student (uniquename colored red) will serve as the lead antagonist for the paper (target 4 minutes). After these presentations we'll break into open discussion (target 8 minutes). *** If you are unable to carry out your part of the discussion, then it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to: (i) identify someone to fill in for your (ii) let me know at least 12 hours before the class meeting. === BETWEEN TUESDAY, FEB 8 at 12:30 PM AND THURSDAY, FEB 10 at 10:00AM === [ ] Every group should upload their project proposal to the HotCRP program management software. Directions on what to include in your proposal: Enter your project proposal AS A PAPER SUBMISSION and include FOR ALL AUTHORS. I'll enable the paper submission functionality later in the week, probably just after class on Tuesday. I'll disable the paper submission functionality later in the week, probably just before class on Thursday. If you miss this window, you're in trouble. So, please get your proposals submitted on time! === BETWEEN FEB 10 and FEB 14 at 10:30 AM === [ ] Review AT LEAST EIGHT of your peers' project proposals and enter your reviews into HotCRP. === BETWEEN FEB 14 and FEB 15 === [ ] Read the feedback about your project proposal and either address or plan to rebut the criticisms. === BEFORE FEB 15 at 10:00 AM === [ ] Prepare and add your project proposal slides to the following Google presentation: URL EMAILED. I'll enable edit access to this after class on Tuesday. === FEB 15, 10:30 AM === [ ] Present your project proposal to the class (3 min) and answer questions (2 min). Come prepared to defend your proposal and ideas!