EECS 373 Lab 5: Clocks, Timers, and Counters

Copyright © 2010-2011, Thomas Schmid, Matt Smith, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Lohit Yerva, and Prabal Dutta.


EECS 373 Labs Google Calendar


Timers are some of the most fundamental peripherals found in embedded microcontrollers. They are used in many application scenarios, like driving motors, measuring frequencies, or measuring the event time of a particular interrupt.



The purpose of this lab is to learn about the importance of timers and clocks in embedded systems.

  1. Understand how clocks provide a time source
  2. Compare units to trigger events at specific times
  3. Capture units to measure the time of external events
  4. Understand how Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) is generated
  5. Learn how write virtual timers stack from a single hardware timer

Additional Material

Pre-Lab Assignment

  1. Read through this wonderful C Lanuage tutorial.
  2. Read through the lab 5 in-lab and post-lab.
  3. Read Chapter 11: Timer_A from MSP430x1xx Family User's Guide

In-Lab Assignment

  1. Clock Sources and Counters
  2. Timed Interrupts
  3. Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Signals
  4. Capturing Time

In-Lab Assignment

Clock Sources and Counters

You have encountered the clock system of the SmartFusion before. The bus system AHBlite or APB3 both use the FAB_CLOCK configured in the MSS Configurator's Clock Management block. The Clock Management has the possibility to configure several different clocks. One of them is the clock going into the MSS (free running clock FCLK) and clocking most of the MSS Peripherals (exception is the 10/100 Ethernet which has its own clock). The other clocks can be fed into the FPGA. While the MSS clock FCLK has a recommended maximum of 100 MHz, the FPGA can use faster clocks, depending on the logic.

In this lab, we will run the FAB_CLK at 40 MHz. To do this:

  1. Create a new Libero Project called lab5fpga.
  2. Create a new Microcontroller SubSytem (MSS) module using the MSS Configurator called lab5_mss.
  3. Click on Clock Management.
  4. Update the specified setting in the following picture (click to see larger version).

Don't worry, we don't understand all the settings either. The SmartFusion uses these complex clock dividing and conditioning settings for professional users that need a great degree of flexibility.

Next, configure your MSS as shown below (click to see larger version)

Don't forget to add the APB master interface (MSS_MASTER_APB) and the MSS2FABRIC (M2F_RESET_N) reset. We will add some more components later, once we need them.

On the Firmware tab, generate drivers for,

  1. HAL_0
  2. MSS_GPIO_Driver_0
  3. MSS_UART_Driver_0
  4. SmartFusion_CMSIS_PAL_0
Uncheck all the other drivers. Once done, save the configuration and hit generate .

Next, create a new canvas (SmartDesign Component) called lab5_top and make it root. Add the MSS you created above and add a CoreAPB3 Bus Interface to your top level design with 1 slot and 32-bit data bus width. The following timer we create will use this slot.

The last part for the FPGA is the actual timer block and its wrapper. Use the following verilog timer component to start with. SmartDesign > Verilog Source File.

// timer.v
module timer(
			bus_write_data, //data_in
			bus_read_data //data_out
input pclk, nreset, bus_write_en, bus_read_en;
input [7:0] bus_addr;
input [31:0] bus_write_data;
output reg [31:0] bus_read_data;

reg [31:0] overflowReg;
reg [31:0] counterReg;
reg [31:0] controlReg;
reg [31:0] nextCounter;
reg overflowReset; // Resets counterReg when new overflow value is written

wire timerEn;   // Timer Enable

//Control Bits
assign timerEn = controlReg[0];

always@(posedge pclk)
    overflowReset <= 1'b0;
    controlReg <= 32'h00000000;
    overflowReg <= 32'h00000000;
else begin
	if(bus_write_en) begin : WRITE
            2'b00: // Timer Overflow Register
                overflowReg <= bus_write_data;
                overflowReset <= 1'b1;
            2'b01: // Timer Value, Read Only
                overflowReset <= 1'b0;
            2'b10: // Timer Control
                controlReg <= bus_write_data;
                overflowReset <= 1'b0;
            2'b11: // Spare
                overflowReset <= 1'b0;
	else if(bus_read_en) begin : READ
	    	2'b00: // Timer Overflow register
		        bus_read_data <= overflowReg;
            2'b01: // Timer Value, Read Only
                bus_read_data <= counterReg;
            2'b10: // Timer Control
                bus_read_data <= controlReg;
            2'b11: // Spare
		overflowReset <= 1'b0;

assign timerEn = controlReg[0];

    nextCounter <= counterReg + 1;
always@(posedge pclk)
if(~nreset) begin
	counterReg <= 32'h00000000;
else begin
    if(overflowReset) begin
		counterReg <= 32'h00000000;
    else if(timerEn) begin
		if(counterReg == overflowReg)
			counterReg <= 32'h00000000;
		    counterReg <= nextCounter;


// timerWrapper.v
module timerWrapper(// APB Bus Interface
					// Test Interface

// APB Bus Interface
input  [31:0] PWDATA;
input  [7:0] PADDR;
output [31:0] PRDATA;

// Test Interface
output [4:0] TPS; // Use for your debugging

assign BUS_READ_EN = (!PWRITE && PSEL); //Data is ready during first cycle to make it availble on the bus when PENABLE is asserted

assign PREADY = 1'b1;
assign PSLVERR = 1'b0;

timer timer_0(	.pclk(PCLK),

Go through the timer code.

Finish your FPGA design by wiring up the timer as shown below. Note that we didn't connect the TPS signals to anything. If you wish, connect them to the 5 user I/O lines of the eval board. They can become handy to debug your code later on. If you don't use them then mark the connection as unused by right-clicking the signal name.

Check and generate the canvas view .

Note that we connected the FAB_CLK to the bus interface's PCLK.

Our timer is still very simple and has only 3 registers defined:

OffsetTypeReset StateNameDescription
0x0Read/Write0overflowRegTimer counter gets reset (to 0) when it reaches the overflow value
0x4Read0counterRegTimer Counter Value
0x8R/W0controlReg Timer Control
Bit 0: Enable bit (timerEn)

The control bit 0 enables or disables the incrementing counter. When enabled, the counter will increment up to the value stored in the overflowReg register. Once reached, it resets to 0 and starts counting again. The counterReg register contains the current value of the counter.

Now it's time to generate your smart design , synthesize it, place and route it, and then program your FPGA with it.

A Simple MyTimer Library

Lets create our first C project.

We will now write a simple timer library that you can use in your application. Create a new SoftConsole C Project and import the CMSIS and drivers folders from the firmware directory.

Your Project Explorer should look like this now:

The drivers folder contains the UART_0 and GPIO that you generated in Libero. The CMSI folder contains the different linker scripts as well as startup code for the Cortex-M3. The provided linker script and startup code is far more comprehensive than the one we have been using. While our initial handwritten examples worked, we left out many of the indirections and complexities of properly booting an embedded microcontroller. We will look into this in more detail shortly.

Add linker script.

Next, we have to configure our build target. Building is the process of compiling and linking our C source code into the final binary file. For this, right click the Lab2 project and select Properties. Expand the C/C++ Build entry by clicking the arrow left of it. Next, select the Settings entry. This will show several configuration options on the right hand side. In these options on the Tool Settings tab, click on Miscellaneous under the GNU C Linker entry. Set the Linker Flags field to


Enable UART output for printf() in C.

Next, we have to define a C Symbol in the project properties. This symbol tells the compiler to send the output characters of printf() to the UART_0 driver. The driver uses the UART_0 hardware to send the characters to the computer terminal (Hyperterminal or Putty from lab4). Right click on your project and select Properties. Then expand the C/C++ Build entry and select Settings. Under GNU C Compiler select Symbols. On the right hand side, click the paper with the plus sign and add the variable ACTEL_STDIO_THRU_UART.

For this we will have to import the UART driver header file. Add the following command to the top of your main.c file if it doesn't already exist there.

#include "drivers/mss_uart/mss_uart.h"

Now you can use standard printf() statements. In fact, the printf373() are not setup to work in this project.

Finally, lets set the -O1 for GCC so that it doesn't generate highly inefficient code and hard to read assembly.

Add new files for main.c, mytimer.c, and mytimer.h.

Following is the content for main.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "drivers/mss_uart/mss_uart.h"
#include "mytimer.h"

int main()
    /* Setup MYTIMER */
    MYTIMER_setOverflowVal((1<<31)); // Set compare to a big number

        uint32_t i;
        printf("Time: %lu\r\n", MYTIMER_getCounterVal()); // Standard printf() now work
        for(i=1e6; i>0; i--); // busy wait
    return 0;
Following is the content for mytimer.h:
#ifndef MYTIMER_H_  // Only define once
#define MYTIMER_H_  // Only define once

#include "CMSIS/a2fxxxm3.h"


// The technique of using a structure declaration 
// to describe the device register layout and names is 
// very common practice. Notice that there aren't actually 
// any objects of that type defined, so the declaration 
// simply indicates the structure without using up any store.
typedef struct
    uint32_t overflow; // Offset 0x0
    uint32_t counter; // Offset 0x4
    uint32_t control; // Offset 0x8
} mytimer_t;

#define MYTIMER_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000001UL

// Using the mytimer_t structure we can make the
// compiler do the offset mapping for us.
// To access the device registers, an appropriately 
// cast constant is used as if it were pointing to 
// such a structure, but of course it points to memory addresses instead.
// Look at at mytimer.c
// Look at the the functions's disassembly
// in .lst file under the Debug folder
#define MYTIMER ((mytimer_t *) MYTIMER_BASE)

 * Initialize the MYTIMER
void MYTIMER_init();

 * Start MYTIMER
void MYTIMER_enable();

void MYTIMER_disable();

 * Set the limit to which the timer counts.
void MYTIMER_setOverflowVal(uint32_t value);

 * Read the counter value of the timer.
uint32_t MYTIMER_getCounterVal();

#endif /* MYTIMER_H_ */
Following is the content for mytimer.c:
#include "mytimer.h"

void MYTIMER_init()
    // we don't have to do anything.

void MYTIMER_enable()

void MYTIMER_disable()

void MYTIMER_setOverflowVal(uint32_t value)
	// Yes it's inefficient, but it's written this way to
	// show you the C to assembly mapping.
    uint32_t * timerAddr = (uint32_t*)(MYTIMER);
    *timerAddr = value; // overflowReg is at offset 0x0

uint32_t MYTIMER_getCounterVal()
	// Yes it's inefficient, but it's written this way to
	// show you the C to assembly mapping.
    uint32_t * timerAddr = (uint32_t*)(MYTIMER);
    return *(timerAddr+1); // counterReg is at offset 0x4

The technique of using a structure declaration to describe the device register layout and names is very common practice. Notice that there aren't actually any objects of that type defined, so the declaration simply indicates the structure without using up any store.

To access the device registers, an appropriately cast constant is used as if it were pointing to such a structure, but of course it points to memory addresses instead. Using a simple structure, we index all the registers available on the timer peripheral. For example, look at the files in drivers/mss_uart. You will see that they follow a similar structure.

Look at the disassembly in <project_name>.lst file in the Debug folder. Find the assembly that was generated for the MYTIMER_enable(), MYTIMER_setOverflowVal(uint32_t value) , and MYTIMER_getCounterVal() functions. Map the generated assembly back to the C code in the functions.

Don't forget to define the ACTEL_STDIO_THRU_UART to allow printf to work. See above. You will also have to add the linker script to the GNU Linker setting of the project, before you will be able to compile your code.

Put a breakpoint on the printf function line in main and restart the debug session. Invoke the instruction stepping feature. Resume the debugger. You will notice that the for loop does not exist in the disassembled code. The C optimizer (-O1 flag) notices that the loop variable i is not used after it is incremented, therefore it gets rid of the i and the for loop that goes with it. You can trick to compiler into keeping i by declearing it to be volatile. Add the volatile keyword before uint32_t i;. It tells the compiler to not make assumptions about i, because it can be used outside of the for loop. Try making the variable volatile. Read through How to Use C's volatile Keyword.

Connect the serial terminal application to the serial port of the eval board. You should now see numbers being printed on your terminal.

Q: You can see that the numbers overflow after a certain amount of time. Measure that time using a stop watch and calculate the clock frequency. Write down your result. Does it agree with the frequency specified in the MSS Configurator Clock Manager block? Explain in two sentences.

Timed Interrupts

So far, your timer unit provides you time through a software interface. We will now add some more functionality. One of the basic functions of a timer is a timed interrupt. You program the timer unit with a specific time, and an interrupt will fire upon reaching that time.

In the last lab, you learned how to create interrupts on the FPGA, and how to process them in the interrupt service routine. Let's add two interrupt sources to our timer, both sharing the same interrupt line FABINT. An interrupt register will indicate in software which interrupt actually fired. This is very similar to the last lab where we had two interrupt sources, the two switches, sharing the FABINT interrupt line.

The two interrupt sources should fire when the timer reaches two specific values:

  1. When the timer overflows and goes back to 0, i.e., when it reaches the Overflow value
  2. When the timer reaches a specific Compare value that is less than the overflow value.
The first interrupt is easy to implement. For the second interrupt, you will have to add a new register to your timer that contains the Compare value.

Together with the interrupts, we will also need some more control bits

  1. InterruptEnable: Enables interrupts
  2. CompareEnable: Enable the Compare interrupt
  3. OverflowEnable: Enable the Overflow interrupt

In summary, we will make the following modifications to the code:

  1. Add the FABINT interrupt inside the MSS Configurator
  2. Add an output interrupt port to the timer.v module
  3. Add a pulsed and synchronized to PCLK interrupt to the module.
  4. Add two new registers to the module. Note that we will have to widen the address bus for this. One register will be the interrupt status, the other the Compare register.
  5. Add the control signals to enable/disable the two interrupts
  6. Add the overflow interrupt logic, making sure to check for the interrupt enable signals.
  7. Add the reset interrupt register and maaking sure that it gets reset upon a read from the Cortex-M3.
  8. Add the compare interrupt and update the interrupt status register.
  9. Update the timer unit in the smart designer, re-add the bus definition, and connect the FABINT.

We perform all but the first step(s) above, use the following verilog code: timerInt.v and timerIntWrap.v. Replace your previous timer.v file with this implementation and update your smart designer correspondingly.

Don't forget to add the FAB_INT to your MSS component and regnereate!

Now our modified timer has 5 registers:

OffsetTypeReset StateNameDescription
0x00Read/Write0overflowRegTimer counter gets reset (to 0) when it reaches the overflow value
0x04Read0counterRegTimer Counter Value
0x08R/W0controlReg Timer Control
Bit 0: Timer Enable bit (timerEn)
Bit 1: All Interrupts Enable bit (interruptEn)
Bit 2: Compare Interrupt Enable bit (compareEn)
Bit 3: Overflow Interrupt Enable bit (overflowEn)
0x0cR/W0compareRegTimer Compare Value (only works if less than Overflow val)
0x10Read0interrupt_statusWhich interrupt fired?

SoftConsole Code

Having more functionality in your peripheral necessitates to update your timer driver. Add the following additional functions form this header file to your library. Make sure that the different enable and disable functions really toggle the right bits in the configuration register.:

 * Enable all interrupts
void MYTIMER_enable_allInterrupts();

 * Disable all interrupts
void MYTIMER_disable_allInterrupts();

 * Enable compare interrupt
void MYTIMER_enable_compareInt();

 * Disable compare interrupt
void MYTIMER_disable_compareInt();

 * Set Compare value
void MYTIMER_setCompareVal(uint32_t compare);

 * Enable overflow interrupt
void MYTIMER_enable_overflowInt();

 * Disable overflow interrupt
void MYTIMER_disable_overflowInt();

  * Interrupt status
uint32_t MYTIMER_getInterrupt_status();

Implement the missing MYTIMER functions in your timer.c file.

Once implemented, replace your main function with the following code. Notice that we added the Fabric interrupt handler too:

uint32_t count;

__attribute__ ((interrupt)) void Fabric_IRQHandler( void )
    uint32_t time = MYTIMER_getCounterVal();
    uint32_t status = MYTIMER_getInterrupt_status();

    printf("Interrupt occurred at %lu FABINT \n\r", time);

    if(status & 0x01)
        printf("Overflow latency %ld\n\r", 0-time);
    if(status & 0x02)
        printf("Compare latency %ld\n\r", (1<<28) - time);
    NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( Fabric_IRQn );

int main()
    /* Setup MYTIMER */
    MYTIMER_setCompareVal((1<<27)); // 50% of overflow




    count = 1e6;

    	if(!count){ // Global variable checking
			// count decremented inside the interrupt service routine
    		MYTIMER_disable(); // Disable after 1e6 interrupts
    return 0;
Do a clean build and program your eval board with the application and connect the serial terminal. Observe the latency and convert it to seconds, either in your output by modifying the printf functions, or on paper.

Q: How does the latency compare to the latency measured with the oscilloscope in Lab 4? Explain in two sentences.

Pause the program, turn on Instruction Stepping, and look at the disassembly. Notice that it is looping at a branch to itself loop:

0x200004e4 <main+82>: b.n 0x200004e4 <main+82>

This is basically the while(1) loop in code. This time the C optimizer assumed that count cannot change (it cannot make the connection between count in the interrupt routine and count here.) Therefore, it moves the if(!count) outside of the while(1) and checks count once. Why do extra work inside every loop if it makes no difference? Make count volatile, and notice that it gets rid of the self loop. Use instruction stepping to step through the full loop now. Notice that it loads and checks count every time. Use this knowlege to debug postlab. This might help you debug postlab. Read through How to Use C's volatile Keyword.

Pulse Width Modulated Signals

We have almost all the pieces together for a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal generator. PWM signals are very common in embedded systems to deliver a variable amount of energy to an end system, such as LEDs, robotic servos, heating plates, etc. There are two parameters to a PWM system: frequency and duty-cycle. The frequency indicates how often we have a positive edge, while the duty-cycle describes the amount of high time vs. low time of the signal, and is usually expressed in percent. For example, a system that has a pulse every second, then stays on high for 100 milliseconds, before going low for 900 milliseconds would have a duty cycle of 10%.

With the timer unit we have, it is really easy to generate a PWM system. We just have to set a signal to high when we get to the Compare value, and set it back to low when we reach Overflow. In that respect, the Overflow value will determine the period, or frequency, of our signal, while the Compare value determines the duty cycle. Software writes the period and duty-cycle values to the Overflow and Compare registers, respectively.

Modify the timer unit and add the PWM output. Add a control register bit that can enable and disable that output. Connect the PWM output to one of the LEDs on your eval board.

Add PWM capabilities to your timer library, and write an application that generates a PWM signal at 100Hz and changes the duty cycle from 0 to 100% over 1 second. Observe the signal on an oscilloscope and the LED. Describe your observation in a few sentences and include a screenshot of the oscilloscope.

Capturing Time

The compare capabilities of a timer allow timed events to happen. The Capture capabilities allow the inverse, i.e., they measure the time of external events. As you saw in the last lab, the handling of interrupt service routines can have significant latency and jitter. Thus, we can not just read the time in software once we entered an interrupt service routine. The capture unit instead grabs the current time inside the timer unit and stores it in a register. It then signals to the core using the timer interrupt that a capture happened. The software can then, at its own convenience, read the capture register.

Let's add capture capabilities to our timer unit:

Use the following file as a reference to implement the above capabilities: timerCapt.v and timerWrapCapt.v. Make sure you connect one of the switches to the capture input. Synthesize, place and route, and program the eval board with your new code.

We now have to add the new capabilities to our timer library. Implement the following new functions in your mytimer.c file.

 * Enable Capture
void MYTIMER_enable_capture();

 * Disable Capture
void MYTIMER_disable_capture();

 * Read the synchronous capture value
uint32_t MYTIMER_get_sync_capture();

 * Read the asynchronous capture value
uint32_t MYTIMER_get_async_capture();

Write a little application that upon pressing the switch outputs the synchronous and asynchronous capture times, including the difference between them.

Q: What do you observe between the synchronous and asynchronous capture values? Explain in a couple of sentences.

Write a small reaction game. At a specific time, using the PWM output, toggle the LED on. The user has to hit the push button when he sees the light turning on. Then, output the time difference between LED toggle and button push on the serial terminal. How good is your reaction time in seconds?

Post-Lab Assignment

During the timer lecture, we talked about virtualizing a hardware timer in software, such that it can be shared by several software routines. Implement the timer virtualization interface provided during the lecture, and write an application using it. The application should toggle the 8 LEDs. But every LED should toggle at a different rate, and it should be toggled from its own timer handler.

Tips (Read):

  1. Work through some simple examples on paper first
  2. Don't worry too much about code inefficiency and small time periods
  3. Max time period should fit in 32bits
  4. Read through the Singly Linked lists in C (Lesson 15) tutorial within the C Lanuage tutorial from prelab.
  5. Read the Function pointers tutorial.
  6. Read through How to Use C's volatile Keyword. Or read the Section 8.4.2 Volatile this page.
  7. Remember the difference between deep and shallow copy.
  8. Virtual timer functions and the interrupt routine share the linked list data structure. Make sure sections of your timer functions are atomic. That is, these sections of code should not be interrupted (and your data structure modified) while you are modifying the data structure.
  9. Read through these wonderfully thorough Linked list and Pointers/Memory tutorials from Stanford.

Using the notation provided during the timer lecture, your main.c function should looks something like this. Note that left out the toggling of LED code and the initialization of your hardware timer from this pseudo code for brevity reasons:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "drivers/mss_uart/mss_uart.h"
#include "drivers/mss_watchdog/mss_watchdog.h"
#include "myvirtualtimer.h"

void led0() {
    // toggle LED 0

void led1() {
    // toggle LED 1


void led7() {
    // toggle LED 7

int main() {
	/* Watchdog Disabling function */


    startTimerContinuous(&led0, 2000);
    startTimerContinuous(&led1, 32768);
    startTimerContinuous(&led7, 1e8);


    return 0;

For reference, following is the proposed myvirtualtimer.h file:

#include "CMSIS/a2fxxxm3.h"

typedef void (*timer_handler_t)(void); // Type of Function pointer 

struct timer_t
    timer_handler_t handler; // Function pointer
    uint32_t        time;
    uint8_t         mode;
    struct timer_t* next_timer;

/* initialize the virtual timer */
void initTimer();

/* start a timer that fires (only once) at time t */
// Return status/error from malloc
uint8_t startTimerOneShot(timer_handler_t handler, uint32_t t);

/* start a timer that fires every dt time interval*/
// Return status/error from malloc
uint8_t startTimerContinuous(timer_handler_t handler, uint32_t dt);

/* stop timer with given handler */
// Return status/error from malloc
uint8_t stopTimer(timer_handler_t handler);
And following is a proposed myvirtualtimer.c file including pseudo code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "drivers/mss_uart/mss_uart.h"
#include "myvirtualtimer.h"

volatile struct timer_t* current_timer;

void initTimer() {
    current_timer = NULL;

uint8_t startTimerOneShot(timer_handler_t handler, uint32_t t) {
    // add handler to linked list and sort it by time
    // if hardware timer not running, start hardware timer 

uint8_t startTimerContinuous(timer_handler_t handler, uint32_t dt) {
    // add handler to linked list for (now+dt), set mode to continuous
    // if hardware timer not running, start hardware timer

uint8_t stopTimer(timer_handler_t handler) {
    // find element for handler and remove it from list

__attribute__((__interrupt__)) void Timer1_IRQHandler() {
    struct timer_t * timer;
    NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( Timer1_IRQn );
    timer = current_timer;

    if( current_timer->mode == CONTINUOUS ) {
        // add back into sorted linked list for (now+current_timer->time)

    current_timer = current_timer->next_timer;   

    if( current_timer != NULL ) {
        // set hardware timer to current_timer->time
    } else {

    (*timer->handler)(); // (Dereference function pointer and) call the timer handler 

    if( timer->mode != CONTINUOUS ) {
        free(timer); // free the memory as timer is not needed anymore
This pseudo code uses the MSS System Timer 1 as timed interrupt source. Feel free to use your own timer implementation from this lab. Or, you can use the System Timer 1, though you will have to figure out how to initialize it in your initTimer function.

These files are only a starting point, you will likely need to modify them (heavily) to get your code working. You may choose not to use them at all and start from scratch if you feel that would be easier for you.

Post-Lab Deliverables

You may work with a partner for this assignment. Hand in your answers from the questions asked during the lab. You are to use the following Answer Sheet. You should show your application to a lab staff and get a signature where asked for on the Answer Sheet.