6/2025, we are organizing L4DC 2025 in Ann Arbor in June 2025. Join us for the latest research at the intersection of learning, dynamics, and control!
12/2024, two invited talks at CDC workshops.
12/2024, congrats to Ruya Karagulle for being selected as a Young Author Award Finalist at the 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems for her work on correct and custom by construction control synthesis with multi-modal human feedback!
10/2024, keynote talk at SYSDO 2024 in Stuttgart.
9/2024, semi-plenary talk at MICNON 2024 in Lyon.
5/2024, Sunho successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Sunho Jang!
4/2024, plenary talk at WODES 2024 in Rio de Janeiro.
4/2024, keynote talk at Purdue ICON Student Research Conference.
3/2024, Andrew successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Andrew Wintenberg!
2/2024, discussed some fundamental limits of learning for dynamics and control at Autonomy Talks.
11/2023, Zexiang successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Zexiang Liu!
10/2023, invited talk at UT Austin.
10/2023, two invited talks at IROS workshops. It was great to see many friends in Detroit.
10/2023, honored to be the first recipient of the Chen-Luan Family Faculty Development Professorship in ECE.
06/2023, invited talk at EPFL.
05/2023, remote seminar at Romer Talks.
04/2023, invited talks at Penn State, Lehigh University, Boston University, and Michigan State University.
03/2023, short visit to MPI-SWS and attending the 2023 German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
03/2023, invited talk at the MPI-SWS Research Symposium.
01/2023, invited talk at the LIDS student conference.
11/2022, Zhe successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Zhe Du!
11/2022, panelists on a Friday Night AI event on “How Robust is AI?” at Ann Arbor Public Library.
11/2022, keynote talk at NSF CPS PI meeting.
11/2022, invited talk at ELLIIT Hybrid AI Workshop and short visit to Chalmers University.
08/2022, Kwesi and Glen successfully defended their PhD theses. Congrats Dr. Kwesi Rutledge and Dr. Glen Chou!
07/2022, an interview with me in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
03/2022, invited talk at virtual information systems seminar organized by the Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM) at McGill, and in the Groupe d’études et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD).
02/2022, invited talk at Oxford control group.
01/2022, in-person Michigan control seminar talk.
01/2022, invited talk at UCSD Controls Seminar Series.
12/2021, honored to receive the 2021 Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize from the IEEE Control Systems Society.
11/2021, invited talk at UCLA Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar.
10/2021, invited talk at UC Irvine, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar.
09/2021, invited talk at NCCR Automation seminar series (ETHZ & EPFL)
05/2021, invited talk at 2021 CPS-IoT Week Workshop: Verification of Autonomous & Robotic Systems.
05/2021, invited talk at UCSB, Center on Control, Dynamical Systems and Computation Seminar Series.
04/2021, invited talk at Simons Institute Program on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Systems, Workshop on Synthesis of Models and Systems.
04/2021, I gave a talk at Caltech's Control meets Learning seminar series.
03/2021, I gave a tutorial on abstractions at the Virtual Lightning Tutorial Series on Discrete Event Systems.
03/2021, invited talks at CISS, Google, USC, KAUST.
02/2021, congrats to Daphna Raz (co-advised with Robert Gregg) for receiving the Social Impact Award at the Engineering Graduate Symposium for her work on controller design for powered prosthesis!
11/2020, invited talk at UC Berkeley DREAM Seminar series.
09/2020, invited talk at Illinois Institute for Data Science and Dynamical Systems.
08/2020, I serve on the program committees of L4DC 2021 and EMSOFT 2021.
08/2020, I am a program co-chair for ADHS 2021 with Alessandro Abate. Consider submitting your best papers!
08/2020, I serve on the program committees of HSCC 2021 and ICCPS 2021.
03/2020, Yunus successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Yunus Emre Sahin!
02/2020, I am giving a talk at the IPAM Workshop on Intersections between Control, Learning and Optimization.
01/2020, I will be visiting CSL at the University of Illinois for two months.
12/2019, I am giving a talk at my alma mater, Bogazici University.
12/2019, congrats to Zhe Du for receiving the third place at 2019 IEEE CAMSAP Best Student Paper Contest for his work on mode clustering for Markov jump systems!
12/2019, I serve on the program committee of EMSOFT 2020.
11/2019, Liren successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Liren Yang!
11/2019, I am giving talks at the Mathematical Engineering Department Seminar at UCLouvain and the Electrical Engineering Seminar at Harvard.
10/2019, I am giving a talk at the Workshop on Control of Cyber-Physical Systems, at CentraleSupélec, France.
09/2019, I serve on the program committee of L4DC 2020.
08/2019, I am giving a talk at the ADSI Summer Workshop: Algorithmic Foundations of Learning and Control at U. of Washington, Seattle.
07/2019, I will be visiting Max Planck Institute for Software Systems until January 2020.
07/2019, our group is presenting four papers at ACC 2019.
07/2019, I am participating in a panel at a pre-ACC Workshop on Control for Networked Transportation Systems (CNTS).
06/2019, I serve on the program committee of ICCPS 2020.
05/2019, I got promoted to associate professor with tenure effective September 1, 2019 (news).
04/2019, we are organizing a connected and automated vehicles workshop at the University of Michigan.
04/2019, I gave a talk at the 2019, MICDE Symposium, Computational Science: Classical Origins, New Frontiers.
03/2019, I serve on the program committee of EMSOFT 2019.
03/2019, I gave talks at NASA JPL and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UCLA.
10/2018, congrats to Glen Chou (and the team) for receiving the Social Impact Award at the Engineering Graduate Symposium for our work on corner case generation and falsification via synthesis with applications in autonomous driving!
09/2018, I serve on the program committees of ICCPS 2019 and NFM 2019.
07/2018, I am co-chairing HSCC 2019 with Pavithra Prabhakar. Consider submitting your best papers!
07/2018, I gave an invited talk at the SYNT Workshop.
07/2018, our group will present three papers at CDC 2018, one paper at EMSOFT 2018.
06/2018, honored to receive a Henry Russel award.
05/2018, I gave a lecture at the 1st International SCHOOL on Discrete Event Systems.
04/2018, the Controls Group at the University of Michigan has a new website.
02/2018, I received an ONR Young Investigator Award.
01/2018, I received the 1938E Award from the College of Engineering.
11/2017, I am giving a talk at the CDC preconference workshop: 30 years of the Ramadge-Wonham Theory of Supervisory Control: A Retrospective and Future Perspectives.
11/2017, I am giving a talk as part of Ada Lovelace Opera: A Celebration of Women in Computing.
11/2017, I gave a talk at CSL at the University of Illinois.
10/2017, Yasser Shoukry and I are organizing a mini workshop at the NSF CPS PI meeting on “Formal Methods in CPS: Impact and Future Directions”.
10/2017, Supratim Ghosh joined the group as a postdoc.
09/2017, Petter successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Petter Nilsson!
07/2017, I serve as the publicity chair for ICCPS 2018. Consider submitting your best papers!
07/2017, four papers accepted to CDC 2017, Melbourne.
07/2017, I serve on the technical program committees for HSCC 2018 and ADHS 2018.
07/2017, our paper with Jun Liu received a best paper award from Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems for the years 2014-2016 (link).
07/2017, I gave a talk at WUDS 2017.
05/2017, I am attending the Dagstuhl seminar on “Formal Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Germany.
05/2017, I am giving a talk at NASA JSC.
04/2017, I gave a talk at DREAMS at UC Berkeley.
03/2017, we are hosting the 6th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
02/2017, two papers accepted to IFAC World Congress 2017, Toulouse, France.
02/2017, I serve on the technical program committee of CDC 2017.
01/2017, two papers accepted to ACC 2017, Seattle.
01/2017, I serve as an Associate Editor for Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. We expect to see your best papers on formal methods in JDEDS!
12/2016, our group will be at the CPSWeek in Pittsburgh, presenting one paper at HSCC 2017 and one paper at ICCPS 2017.
12/2016, I gave a talk at the CDC preconference workshop on “Rich Data Backed Control and Optimization for Smart Cities”.
09/2016, I gave a talk at the Dagstuhl seminar on “Robustness in Cyber-Physical Systems”, Germany.
07/2016, I serve as the publicity chair for HSCC 2017. Consider submitting your best papers!
08/2016, I received a NASA Early Career Faculty Award.
08/2016, our paper on a new bisimulation-like abstraction algorithm is accepted to Allerton 2016.
07/2016, our paper on compositional synthesis of safety controllers is accepted to CDC 2016, Las Vegas.
07/2016, Sze Zheng Yong joined the group as a postdoc.
07/2016, two papers accepted to MSC 2016, Buenos Aires.
07/2016, I received a DARPA Director’s Fellowship.
06/2016, I gave a talk at RSS workshop on “Social Trust in Autonomous Robots”.
02/2016, I gave a talk at ExCAPE's webinar.
01/2016, I received an NSF CAREER Award.
01/2016, four papers accepted to ACC 2016, Boston.
01/2016, I gave a talk at the Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications (IMA) Workshop on “Optimization and Parsimonious Modeling”.
12/2015, our paper on correct-by-construction control synthesis for very large scale systems is accepted to HSCC 2016, Vienna.
12/2015, I serve on the technical program committee of ACC 2017.
12/2015, I serve as the invited sessions and tutorials chair for MSC 2016. If you consider organizing an invited session or a tutorial, let me know!
12/2015, I gave a talk at the CDC preconference workshop on “Towards Scalable Formal Synthesis of Complex Systems”.
09/2015, I gave a talk at NASA JPL.
09/2015, MI4Hybrid, a toolbox for model (in)validation for hybrid systems, is now available on GitHub.
07/2015, I am a guest editor for Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems special issue on “Formal Methods in Control” (call for papers). Consider submitting your best papers! (the deadline is February 15, 2016)
07/2015, one paper accepted to CDC 2015, Osaka.
07/2015, two papers accepted to ADHS 2015, Atlanta.
07/2015, one paper accepted to DSCC 2015, Columbus.
07/2015, I serve on the technical program committee for HSCC 2016.
07/2015, I serve on the technical program committee for ICCPS 2016.
06/2015, I gave a talk at the iCyPhy data-driven design workshop, Berkeley.
06/2015, new Ford-UM Alliance project on fault tolerant control.
04/2015, the new center for Michigan Robotics!
04/2015, I serve on the technical program committee for ACES-MB 15.
02/2015, I gave a talk at the Dagstuhl seminar on “Non-Zero-Sum-Games and Control”, Germany.
01/2015, Farshad Harirchi joined the group as a postdoc.
12/2014, I gave a talk at the Toyota Summit on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems Verification and Design, Los Angeles.
12/2014, three papers appeared at CDC 2014, Los Angeles.
09/2014, I serve on the technical program committee for ADHS 2015.
09/2014, new NSF CPS Breakthrough project in collaboration with Stephane Lafortune.
08/2014, I received a DARPA 2014 Young Faculty Award.
07/2014, I serve on the technical program committee for HSCC 2015.