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FinalExam Review Spring2006: Compare the GUIs

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A) Both have the same tree: Root with children Panel1 and Panel2. Panel1 has the child label and Panel2 has the children Button1 and Button2.

B) In the first one, the user sees the buttons next to the label, one after the other. In the second example, the user sees the label in the center with button1 and button2 at the bottom of the page seperated by some space.

A.The root has a child panel1 and a next panel2. panel1 has a child label, and panel2 has a child button1 and a next button2. Both of the classes have the same tree structure.

B. The first example has the buttons going left to right, the second example has the panel1 button on top(north) and panel2 buttons on the bottom(south).

And what happens when you resize? Mark Guzdial

Well, I think with the first one, when you resize, it'll stay the same, if you get smaller than the size of the elements, I think they start a new row... With the second one, since there isn't a designation for the center, if you resize it big, then there will be a blank space in the middle and the label and buttons will center themselves in the North and South...

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