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Comment area for Week of March 6

I took a look at the homework page...and the next one isn't due until...APRIL 7th!?! A WHOLE MONTH!?! Is it really going to be that long and hard to do? I'm scared.
That's a mistake on my part. Check out the Syllabus now – the assignment is due the Friday before break, and I created one for this week that you can do if you're looking for something else to try FOR EXTRA CREDIT! Mark Guzdial

Um...where is the prequiz? I thought it would be posted today....

My bad–I've moved the quiz to next Monday, and pre-quiz will be out by Friday. Mark Guzdial

You added the new homework to the fall-2005 page instead of the spring-2006 page.

I just wanted to thank you for giving an extra credit assignment. That was very nice of you. I know that I could certainly use it.

HOORAY! HOMEWORK 6.5 WORKS! YAY! WALK GAME SPRITE WALK! YAY! I feel that sense of accomplishment again.

Um...I liked HW7 being due April 7th. I hate whoever pointed that out. Thanks for nothing.

Well, it was better than my figuring out today then changing the HW7 due date now... :-) Mark Guzdial

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