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Comments on Week of 26 September 2005

INQUIRING MINDS... (enh, you know the rest)

Obviously, I won't be at office hours Thursday or Friday – sorry! I expect to have email access, though, so feel free to ask questions here and via email! Mark Guzdial

BTW, another question:

data structures make a lot of sense to me.
i like doing pictures in linked lists, just like i prefer to do sound in link lists rather than arrays.
workload is fine, i definetly pay a lot of attention to this class during the week.
pace seems fine for now
Removed at KS request

Thanks, Krista! Any others? (Anonymous is just fine!) Mark Guzdial

I found an error on webCT in the grades section. It has our hw 3 out of 110 when it should be out of 100 because that 10 points was extra, same goes for hw4... it says out of 105.

Don't worry – I'll compute the averages correctly. But WebCT is stupid – I have to tell it the max possible. Mark Guzdial

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