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Midterm exam 1 review Fall2005: Flip the other way

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chage the first for loop to this, and you're golden. we did this one in recitation.
for (int srcx = getWidth()-1, trgx= 0; srcx >= 0; srcx–, trgx++);

Removed at KS request

Anyone want to try writing the code to flip horizontally, top and/or bottom? It's always good to cover the bases...

//*Flip horizontally, top.

  public Picture fliphor() {
    Pixel currPixel;
    Picture target = new Picture((int) this.getWidth(),this.getHeight());
    for (int srcx = 0, trgx = 0; srcx < getWidth(); srcx++, trgx++)
      for (int srcy = 0, trgy = getHeight()-1; srcy < getHeight(); srcy++, trgy--)
        currPixel = this.getPixel(srcx,srcy);
    return target;

//*Flip horizontally, bottom.  
  public Picture fliphor2() {
    Pixel currPixel;
    Picture target = Picture target = new Picture((int) this.getWidth(),this.getHeight());
    for (int srcx = 0, trgx = 0; srcx < getWidth(); srcx--, trgx++)
      for (int srcy = getHeight(), trgy = 0; srcy >= 0; srcy++, trgy++)
        currPixel = this.getPixel(srcx,srcy);
    return target;

How about those? I know someone did this with their HW2 collage, so correct me, please.

Are Betsy, Krista, and Eli the only ones in here? HULLO!!! Anyone else in here?!? Mark Guzdial

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