Yes, that's the right description – but WHY? It's the same tree (root has two children, panel1 and panel2. Panel1 has one child, a label. Panel2 has two children, the two buttons). So how could the same tree look different? Because it's rendered using different algorithms. FlowLayouts put everything in a line – no matter how big the underlying window, it'll still all be in the same line. BorderLayouts line up elements of the tree with borders. Panel1 will always be against the top edge (NORTH border), and Panel2 will always be against the bottom edge (SOUTH border). It'll never fill in the Center, because of the way it's rendering. Same tree, two different decisions about how to algorithm, two different looks. (Remember Charlie's question Friday about sounds processing Next first or REMOVEDldren first? That's a different rendering decision that would lead to two different sound sequences.) Mark Guzdial |