Course Description
This is an introduction to computer vision. Topics include: camera models, multi-view geometry, reconstruction, some low-level image processing, and high-level vision problems like object and scene recognition.Instructor
Quick Information
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30am - 12pm, 1571 GGBLDiscussions: Monday 12:30pm - 1:30pm, 2246 CSRB; Wednesday 5pm - 6pm, 133 CHRYS
Syllabus: The syllabus has detailed course policies
Schedule: The schedule has lecture slides and recommended reading
Office Hours: [Google Calendar] [Online Queue]
Discussion forum: Piazza
Lecture videos: Videos
Discussion Section Materials: Google Drive folder
Assignments: [HW0] [HW1] [HW2] [HW3] [HW4] [HW5]
Previous Offerings [Winter 2019] [Fall 2019]
Credit for Materials
This semester's offering of EECS 442 closely follows the Fall 2019 iteration taught by David Fouhey.Both of us are extremely grateful to the many researchers who have made their slides and course materials available. Please feel to re-use any of these materials while crediting appropriately and making sure original attributions to these generous researchers is preserved.