Office: The University of Michigan
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
2417F EECS Building
1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
734-763-9764 (office) 734-763-9324 (fax)
Techniques (especially nondestructive) for characterization of electronic materials and nanostructures; in situ process monitoring; control of semiconductor processes; physics of solid state devices; insulated gate transistor physics and technology; properties of electronic materials and their effects on devices; reliability of semiconductor devices, particularly in hostile environments.
Optical measurement of nanoscale features, characterization and control of micro- and nano-fabrication processes (particularly plasma processes), high-speed thin film measurements, models for the optical dielectric response of materials, spectroscopic ellipsometry for characterization of electronic materials.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ph.D. degree, June, 1985, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Thesis under Professor S. D. Senturia on “Electron Traps and Interface State Generation in Nitrided Oxides.”
M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering, June, 1981. Thesis entitled “A New Silicon Oxynitride Process for MIS Devices.” Curriculum concerned classical and quantum physics, circuit design, linear systems analysis, computer programming and elementary computer architecture, applied and abstract mathematics.
University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Associate Professor, September 1, 1991-present.
Cornell University of Michigan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Visiting Associate Professor, September, 2001-May, 2002 (sabbatical leave)
University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Assistant Professor, September 1, 1985-August, 1991.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts
June, 1981 to June, 1985
Research Assistant. Engaged in research on the electronic properties of ammonia-annealed (nitrided) silicon dioxide for insulated gate field effect transistors, including bulk electron traps, and the response to ionizing radiation. Radiation-hardened gate dielectric technology transfered to Sandia National Laboratiories. Held Secret security (DISCO) clearance from Summer, 1978 to August, 1985.
September, 1980 to January, 1981
Teaching Assistant for laboratory course teaching basic techniques in silicon device fabrication.
June, 1978 to August, 1980
Co-op student. Research included initial investigation of nitrided oxide, laser recrystallization of polycrystalline silicon on silicon dioxide, and laser annealing of ion implantation damage on single crystal silicon.
2. Suhong Kim, Pete Klimecky, Jay B. Jeffries, Fred L. Terry, Jr., and Ronald K. Hanson, “In Situ measurements of HCl during plasma etching of poly-silicon using a diode laser absorption sensor,” Measurement Science and Technology, 14, pp. 1662-1670 (2003).
3. Pete I. Klimecky, J. W. Grizzle, and Fred L. Terry, Jr. “Compensation for transient chamber wall condition using real-time plasma density feedback control in an inductively coupled plasma etcher,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A 21, pp. 706-17 (2003).
4. Hyun-Mog Park, Dennis S. Grimard, Jessy W. Grizzle, and Fred Lewis Terry, Jr., “Etch profile control of high-aspect, deep submicron a-Si gate etch,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 14, pp 242-254 (2001).
5. Pete Klimecky, Craig Garvin, Cecilia G. Galarza, Brooke S. Stutzman, Pramod P. Khargonekar, and Fred L. Terry Jr., “Real-Time RIE Metrology Techniques to Enable In Situ Response Surface Process Characterization,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 148, pp. 34-40 (2001).
6. Tong-Li, Jerzy Kanicki, Wei-Kong, Fred L. Terry, Jr, “Interference fringe-free transmission spectroscopy of amorphous thin films,” Journal-of-Applied-Physics, 88, pp. 5764-71 (2000).
7. B. S. Stutzman, H.-T. Huang, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Two-channel spectroscopic reflectometry for in situ monitoring of blanket and patterned structures during reactive ion etching,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn., B18, pp.2785-93 (2000).
8. C. K. Hanish, J. W. Grizzle, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Estimating and Controlling Atomic Chlorine Concentration via Actinometry,” IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf., 12, pp. 323-331 (1999).
9. L. I. Kamlet and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Dielectric Function Modeling for In1-yAlyAs on InP,” Thin Solid Films, 313-4, pp. 435-441 (1998). Refereed journal article from poster presentation at the Second International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-2), Charleston, SC, July, 1997.
10. T. E. Benson, A. Ramamoorthy, L. I. Kamlet, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “High-Speed, High-Accuracy Optical Measurements of Polycrystalline Silicon for Process Control,” Thin Solid Films, 313-4, pp. 177-182 (1998). Refereed journal article from oral presentation at the Second International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-2), Charleston, SC, July, 1997.
11. C.K. Hanish, J. W. Grizzle, H.H. Chen, L.I. Kamlet, S. Thomas, III, F. L. Terry, Jr., and S. W. Pang, “Modeling and Algorithm Development for Automated Optical Endpointing of an HBT Emitter Etch,” J. Electron. Mat., 26, pp. 1401-8 (1997).
12. L. I. Kamlet; F. L. Terry, Jr; and G. N. Maracas, “A temperature-dependent model for the complex dielectric function of GaAs,” J. Electron. Mat., 26, pp. 1409-16 (1997).
13. T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “End Point and Etch Rate Determination using Dual Wavelength Laser Reflectometry with a Nonlinear Estimator,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 144, pp. 2467-72 (1997).
14. T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “An Extended Kalman Filtering-Based Method of Processing Reflectometry Data for Fast In-Situ Etch Rate Measurements,” T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf., 10, pp. 42-51 (1997).
15. T. E. Benson, L. I. Kamlet, P. Klimecky, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “In-situ Spectroscopic Reflectometry for Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Etch Rate Determination During Reactive Ion Etching,” J. Elec. Mat., 25, pp. 955-64 (1996).
16. T. E. Benson, L. I. Kamlet, S.M. Ruegsegger, C. K. Hanish, P. D. Hanish, B. A. Rashap, P. Klimecky, J. S. Freudenber, J. W. Grizzle, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Sensor systems for real-time feedback control of reactive ion etching,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech., B 14, pp. 483-8 (1996).
17. P. D. Hanish, J. W. Grizzle, M. D. Giles, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A model-based technique for real-time estimation of absolute fluorine concentration in a CF4/Ar plasma,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech., A 13, pp. 1802-7 (1995).
18. L. I. Kamlet, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A composition-dependent model for the complex dielectric function of In1-xGaxAsyP1-y/ lattice- matched to InP”, J. Elec. Mat., 24, pp. 2005-13 (1995).
19. B. A. Rashap, M. E. Elta, H. Etemad, J. P. Fournier, J. S. Freduenberg, M. D. Giles, J. W. Grizzle, P. T. Kabamba, P. P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, J. R. Moyne, D. Teneketzis, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 8, pp. 286-297 (1995).
20. D. S. MacGregor, R. A. Rojeski, G. F. Knoll, F. L. Terry, Jr., J. East, and, Y. Eisen, “Present Status of Undoped Semi-Insulating LEC Bulk GaAs as a Radiation Spectrometer,” Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res., A 343, pp. 527-38 (1994).
21. D. S. MacGregor, R. A. Rojeski, G. F. Knoll, F. L. Terry, Jr., J. East, and, Y. Eisen, “Evidence for field enhanced capture by EL2 centers in semi-insulating GaAs and the effect on GaAs radiation detectors,” J. Appl. Phys., 75, pp. 7910-15 (1994).
22. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Hydrogen Sulfide Plasma Passivation of Indium Phosphide,” J. Elec. Mat., 22, p. 119-24 (1993).
23. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Plasma Passivation of GaAs,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn., A11, pp. 1094-8 (1993).
24. J. L. Dupuie, E. Gulari, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “The Low Temperature Catalyzed Chemical Vapor Deposition and Characterization of Silicon Nitride Thin Films,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, pp. 1151-1159 (1992).
25. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, D. T. Nichols, Bhattacharya, P. K. , Terry, F. L. Jr., “Growth of InGaAsP by CBE for SCH quantum well lasers operating at 1.55 and 1.4 µm,” Journal of Crystal Growth, 120, pp. 162-166 (1992).
26. M. E. Sherwin, F. L. Terry, Jr., G. O. Munns, J. S. Herman, E. G. Woelk, and G. I. Haddad, “Investigation and Optimization of InGaAs/InP Heterointerfaces Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Photoluminescence,” J. Elect. Mat., 21, pp. 269-275 (1992).
27. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, E. G. Woelk, T.J. Drummond, M. E. Elta, F. L. Terry, Jr., and G. I. Haddad, “The Design of an ECR Plasma System and Its Application to InP Grown by CBE,” Journ. Crystal Growth, 111, pp. 594-598 (1991).
28. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, M. E. Elta, E. G. Woelk, S. B. Crary, F. L. Terry, Jr., and G. I. Haddad, “Optimization of InxGa1-xAs and InP Grown by CBE,” Journ. Crystal Growth, 111, pp. 605-608 (1991).
29. J. L. Lee and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Reactive Ion Etching of Tungsten Silicide Using NF3 Gas Mixtures,” J. Vac.Sci. Technol., B9, pp. 2747-2751 (1991).
30. F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Modified Harmonic Oscillator Approximation Scheme for the Dielectric Constants of AlxGa1-xAs,” J. Appl. Phys., 70, pp. 409-417 (1991).
31. H. W. Trombley, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. E. Elta, “A Self-Consistent Particle Model for the Simulation of RF Glow Discharges,” IEEE Trans. Plasm. Sci., 19, pp. 158-162 (1991).
32. J. Mo, A. L. Robinson, D. Fitting, P. Carson, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Improvement of Integrated Ultrasonic Transducer Sensitivity,” Sensors and Actuators , A22, pp. 679-682 (1990).
33. J. Mo, A. L. Robinson, D. Fitting, P. Carson, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Micromachining for Improvement of Integrated Ultrasonic Transducer Sensitivity,” IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev., 37, pp. 134-140 (1990).
34. W. T. Shiau and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Bias-Temperature Stability of Nitrided Oxides and Reoxidized Nitrided Oxides,” Journ. Elec. Mat., 18, pp. 767-73 (1989).
35. M. A. Schmidt, F. L. Terry, Jr., B. P. Mathur and S. D. Senturia, “Inversion Layer Mobility of MOSFETs with Nitrided Oxide Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. , 35, pp. 1627-32 (1988).
36. M. A. Schmidt, J. I. Raffel, F. L. Terry, Jr., and S. D. Senturia, “A Metal Gate Self-Aligned MOSFET Using Nitrided Oxide,” IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev., 32, pp. 643-8 (1985).
37. F. L. Terry, Jr., P .W. Wyatt, M. L. Naiman, B. P. Mathur, C. T. Kirk, and S. D. Senturia, “High-Field Electron Capture and Emission in Nitrided Oxides,” Journ. Appl. Phys., 57, pp. 2036-9 (1985).
38. M. L. Naiman, C. T. Kirk, R. J. Aucoin, F. L. Terry, Jr., P. W. Wyatt, and S. D. Senturia, “Effect of Nitridation of Silicon Dioxide on Its Infrared Spectrum,” Journ. Electrochem. Soc., 131, p. 637-640 (1984).
39. F. L. Terry, Jr., M. L. Naiman, R. J. Aucoin, and S. D. Senturia, “Megarad-Resistant 10nm Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 28, pp. 4389-4391 (1981).
1. S. Govindaswamy, J. East, F. Terry, E. Topsakal, J. L. Volakis, G.I. Haddad, “Frequency-selective surface based bandpass filters in the near-infrared region,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 41, no. 4, 20 May 2004, p 266-9
2. S. Govindaswamy, J. East, F. Terry, E. Topsakal, J.L. Volakis, G.I. Haddad, “Dual-frequency-selective surfaces for near-infrared bandpass filters,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 43, no. 2, 20 Oct. 2004, p 95-8
3. “Normal Incidence Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Critical Dimension Monitoring,” Hsu-Ting Huang, Wei Kong, and Fred Lewis Terry, Jr., Applied Physics Letters, 78, 3983-3985 (2001).
4. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Hydrogen Sulfide Plasma Passivation of Gallium Arsenide,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 60, pp. 716-717 (1992).
5. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Two-Temperature Technique for PECVD SiO2,” IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett., IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett., 12, 236-7 (1991).
6. F. L. Terry, Jr., R. J. Aucoin, M. L. Naiman, P .W. Wyatt, and S. D. Senturia, “Radiation Effects in Nitrided Oxides,” IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett., 4, p. 191-3 (1983).
1. Fred Lewis Terry, Jr. and Joseph J. Bendick, “Immersion Scatterometry for Improved Feature Resolution and High Speed Acquisition of Resist Profiles,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5752, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XIX, p. 237-247 (May, 2005).
2. Fred L. Terry, Jr., “Accuracy limitations in specular-mode optical topography extraction,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5038, p. 547-558, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XVII. (2003).
3. H. Kim, F. L. Terry, Jr. , “In-situ UV absorption CF2 sensor for reactive ion etch process control,” EOS/SPIE Conference on Microelectronic Manufacturing Technologies: Conference on Process and Equipment Control in Microelectronic Manufacturing, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, May 18-21, 1999
4. Cecilia G. Galarza , Pete Klimecky, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Fred L. Terry, Jr., “In-Situ Design Of Experiments For A Reactive Ion Etching Process,” MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 7, 1999.
5. F. L. Terry, Jr., “In Situ Monitoring of III-V Processing,” (Invited Talk), III-V and IV-IV Materials and Processing Challenges for Highly Integrated Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 535, pp. 189-200 (December, 1998).
6. W. Kong, H. T. Huang, M. E. Lee, C. Galarza, W. Sun, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Analysis of Time-Evolved Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Data from Patterned Structures for Etching Process Monitoring and Control,” paper 19.2, SRC TECHCON, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 9-11, 1998. (won best paper award for Factory Control and Operations session)
7. M. E. Lee, C. Galarza, W. Kong, W. Sun, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Analysis of Reflectometry and Ellipsometry Data from Patterned Structures,” International Conference on Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, March 23-27, 1998, AIP Conference Proceedings 449, pp. 331-5 (1998).
8. T. L. Vincent, P. I. Klimecky, W. Sun, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Highly Accurate Endpoint Method for a TFT Back Channel Recess Etch,” SID/IEEE International Display Research Conference Digest, Toronto, Canada, September 15-19, 1997, pp. 274-7 (1997).
9. T. E. Benson, A. Ramamoorthy, and F. L. Terry, Jr, “High Accuracy Optical Measurements of Polycrystalline Silicon for Real-Time and Run-to-Run Process Control”, SRC Techcon, Pheonix, Ar., Sept 12-14, 1996.
10. M-E. Lee and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Diffractive Technique for Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Process Monitoring and Control” SRC Techcon, Pheonix, Ar., Sept 12-14, 1996.
11. P. P. Khargonekar and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing: Curriculum Development Under An NSF Combined Research-Curriculum Grant,” Proc. 1995 American Control Conf., Seattle, Wa., pp. 1072-6 (1995).
12. T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “An extended Kalman filter method for fast in-situ etch rate measurements,” in Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials Processing II, (eds. S. W. Pang, et al.), MRS Symposium held November 27-30, 1995 Boston, MA, pp. 87-93, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1995.
13. M. E. Elta, J. S. Freudenberg, J. W. Grizzle, P.P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Improving RIE Process Robustness via Real-Time Feeback Control,” Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Proceedings of the Symposium on Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing, pp. 148-56, May, 1995.
14. J. S. Herman, T. E. Benson, O. D. Patterson, C. Y. Chen, A. T. Demos, P. P. Khargonekar, F. L. Terry Jr., and M. E. Elta, “Real-time Control of Reactive Ion Etching of Amorphous Silicon for Thin Film Transistor Applications,” Proc. 2nd Symposium on Thin Film Transistor Technologies, (ed. Y. Kuo), The Electrchemical Society, Miami Beach, FL, pp. 68-76, October,1994.
15. T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, B. A. Rashap, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. Elta, “Nonlinear System Identification and Control of a Reactive Ion Etcher,” Proc. 1994 American Control Conference, pp. 902-906.
16. M. E. Elta, J. Fournier, J. S. Freudenberg, M. D. Giles, J. W. Grizzle, P. T. Kabamba, P. P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, S. M. Meerkov, B. A. Rashap, F. L. Terry, Jr., “Real-time Feedback Control of Reactive Ion Etching,” and T. Vincent, Proc. 1993 SPIE Conference on Microelectronics Manufacturing, Proc. of SPIE, 2091, pp. 438-451 (1994).
17. M. E. Elta, H. Etemad, J. S. Freudenberg, M. D. Giles, J. W. Grizzle, P. T. Kabamba, P. P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, S. M. Meerkov, J. R. Moyne, B. A. Rashap, D. Teneketzis, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Applications of Control to Semiconductor Manufacturing: Reactive Ion Etching”, Proc. 1993 American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2-4, 1993, pp. 2990-2997.
18. B. A. Rashap, P. P. Khargonekar, J. W. Grizzle, M. E. Elta, J. Freudenberg, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Real-time Control of Reactive Ion Etching: Identification and Disturbance Rejection,” Proc. 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3379-85, 1993.
19. T. Morris, F. L. Terry, Jr., M. E. Elta, “Utilizing Diffraction Imaging for Non-Destructive Wafer Metrology,” 1993 SPIE Symposium on Microlithography, March 1-5, 1993, San Diego, Ca., Proceedings of the SPIE, 1926, pp. 27-32 (1993).
20. D. S. Grimard, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. E. Elta, “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Real-Time Fourier Imaging,” SPIE Symposium on Real-Time Monitoring and Control, Santa Clara, CA, October, 1990, Proceedings of the SPIE, 1392, pp. 535-42 (1991).
21. Dennis S. Grimard, F. L. Terry,Jr., and M. E. Elta, “In Situ Wafer Monitoring for Plasma Etching,” SPIE 1989 Symposium on Monitoring and Control of Plasma-Enhanced Processing and Multichamber Growth of Semiconductors, San Diego, CA,October, 1989, Proceedings of the SPIE, 1185, pp. 234-47. (1990).
22. T. J. Drummond and J. Gee (Sandia National Laboratories), and F. L. Terry, Jr. and R. Weng (Univ. of Michigan), “Application of InAlAs/GaAs Superlattice Alloys to GaAs Solar Cells,” presented at the IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference, Kissimee, Fl., May 21- 25, 1990, Conference Record of the 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference-1990, pp. 105-10.
23. J. Mo, A. L. Robinson, D. Fitting, P. Carson, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Micromachined Diaphragm Structure for Integrated Ultrasound Transducers”, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, vol. 2, pp. 801-4 (October 3-6, 1989).
24. R. B. Brown, F. L. Terry, and K. C. Wu, “High temperature microelectronics-expanding the applications for smart sensors,” International Electron Devices Meeting, Dec. 6-9, 1987, Washington, D.C. , IEDM Technical Digest, pp. 274-7. (Reprinted in High-Temperature Electronics, ed. Randrall Kirschman, IEEE Press, pp.223-6 (1999)).
25. M. L. Naiman, F. L. Terry, Jr., J.A. Burns, J.I. Raffel, and R. Aucoin, “Properties of Thin Oxynitride Gate Dielectrics Produced by Thermal Nitridation of Silicon,” IEEE IEDM Techn. Digest, p. 562-4 (Dec., 1980).
1. “Chamber Wall Effects on Polycrystalline-Si Reactive Ion Etching in Cl2: A Multiple Real-Time Sensors Study,” Fred L. Terry, Jr., Northern California American Vacuum Society Plasma Etch Users Group Meeting, September 8, 2005, Santa Clara, CA (proceedings available by web at (Invited talk)
2. “Elimination of the RIE 1st Wafer Effect: Real-Time Control of Plasma Density,” Pete I. Klimecky, Jessy W. Grizzle, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., SEMATECH Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Symposium, Snow Bird, Utah, September, 2002.
3. “In Situ Monitoring Of Deep Sub-mm Topography Evolution And Endpoint Detection During Reactive Ion Etching,” Hsu-Ting Huang, Ji-Woong Lee, Pete Klimecky, Pramod P. Khargonekar, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium XIII, October 6-11, 2001, Banff, Alberta, Canada
4. Hsu-Ting Huang, Brooke S. Stutzman, Wei Kong, Pete Klimecky, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., “Real Time In Situ Observation of Deep Submicron Topography Evolution Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Reflectometry,” AVS International Conference on Metallic Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA., May 1, 2001. (invited talk by Fred Terry)
5. Hsu-Ting Huang, Ji-Woong Lee, Brooke S. Stutzman, Pete Klimecky, Craig Garvin, Pramod P. Khargonekar, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., “Real Time In Situ Monitoring of Deep Sub-µm Topography Evolution during Reaction Ion Etching,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium, Lake Tahoe, NV., September 25-28, 2000. (One of 4 best student paper awards at this conference)
6. P. Klimecky, C. Garvin, “Plasma Density & Resonant Cavity Modes vs. Chamber Condition in High Density RIE,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium, Lake Tahoe, NV., September 25-28, 2000. (One of 4 best student paper awards at this conference, Jessy Grizzle and I were faculty advisors on this paper but left authorship credit to the student and post-doc)
7. Hsu-Ting Huang, Wei Kong, Brooke Stutzman, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., “Use of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Submicron Topography Measurements,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium, Vail, Co., September 13-16, 1999.
8. B.S. Stutzman, H.-M. Park, P. Klimecky, C. Garvin, D. Grimard, D. Schweiger, and F.L. Terry, Jr, “In-Situ Real-Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Measurements on a LAM TCP 9400SE,” Abs. 236, 195th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, Wa., May 2-6, 1999.
9. H.-T. Huang, W. Kong, H. Kim, W. Sun, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Normal Incidence SE/RDS for Critical Dimension Monitoring,” Abs. 244, 195th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, Wa., May 2-6, 1999.
10. H.-M. Park, T.L. Brock, D. Grimard, J.W. Grizzle, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “High-Aspect Ratio 70 nm a-Si Gate Line Etch Process Control Based on Etch Rate Estimation,” Abs. 217, 195th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, Wa., May 2-6, 1999.
11. Brooke S. Stutzman, Wei Kong, Hsu-ting Huang, Hunsuk Kim, Fred L. Terry Jr., “Measurement of Evolution of Grating Structures Using Off-Normal Spectral Reflectometry,” abstract SC08.09, focus session on Industrial Applications of Optical Spectroscopy, American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 20-26, 1999.
12. Brooke S. Stutzman, Fred L. Terry Jr., “Characterization of Film Thickness Using Off-Normal Spectral Reflectometry,” abstract KW2.07, APS 51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & 4th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Maui, Hawaii, October 19-22, 1998.
13. Siddharth Ramachandran, S.G. Bishop, Univ. Illinois; F.L. Terry, Univ. of Michigan, “Guided-mode size control over a large range by direct-write mechanisms in chalcogenide glasses:pplications for optoelectronic interconnections,” CLEO/IQEC 98, San Francisco, CA, paper CTHAA4, May 7, 1998.
14. S. C. Shannon, J. P. Holloway, M. Brake, D. Grimard, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Characterization and Optimization of Argon Sputter Etching of SiO2 in the GEC Reference Cell,” in Abstract volume for the IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, p. 124, May 19-22, 1997.
15. T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Real time estimation and feedback control of etch rate and etch depth using nonlinear filtering techniques,” in: Abstracts volume for 190th Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 6-11, p. 375 (1996).
16. Tyrone E. Benson, Arun Ramamoorthy, Leonard I. Kamlet, and Fred L. Terry, “High-Speed, High-Accuracy Optical Measurements of Polycrystalline Silicon for Process Control”, Jr., Second International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Charleston, S. C. , May 12-15, 1997.
17. Leonard I. Kamlet and Fred L. Terry, Jr. , “Dielectric Function Modeling for Lightly Strained InAlAs,” Second International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Charleston, S. C. , May 12-15, 1997.
18. L. I. Kamlet, F. L. Terry, Jr., and G. N. Maracas, “A Temperature-Dependent Model for the Complex Dielectric Function of GaAs for Growth Control,” 38th Annual IEEE/TMS Electronic Materials Conf., Santa Barbara, Ca., June 26-8, 1996.
19. C. K. Hanish, L. I. Kamlet, S. Thomas, III, J. W. Grizzle, S. W. Pang, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Modeling and Algorithm Development for Automatic Optical Endpointing of an HBT Emitter Etch,” 38th Annual IEEE/TMS Electronic Materials Conf., Santa Barbara, Ca., June 26-8, 1996.
20. Ying Xiao, Jun-Hao Xu, Johan Jonsson, K.V. Rao, C. Uher, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Wavelength Dependence of Kerr-Rotation in e-Beam Deposited Pd/(Pt/Co/Pt) Modulated Multilayers: Effect of Oxidized Si Substrates,” Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS), Noordwojkerhout, Netherlands, April 29-May 2, 1996.
21. Leonard Kamlet and Fred L. Terry, Jr., “A Composition-Dependent Model for the Complex Dielectric Function of In1‑xGaxAsyP1‑y Lattice-Matched to InP, TMS/IEEE Electronics Materials Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 21-23, 1995.
22. Tyrone E. Benson, Leonard Kamlet, Pete Klimecky, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., “In Situ Spectroscopic Reflectometry for Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Etch Rate Estimation,” TMS/IEEE Electronics Materials Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 21-23, 1995.
23. T. E. Benson, C. K. Hanish, P. D. Hanish, L.I. Kamlet, B. A. Rashap, J. S. Freudenberg, J. W. Grizzle, P.P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr, “Sensor Systems for Real-Time Feedback Control fo Reactive-Ion Etching,” American Vacuum Society Conf. on Plasma Processing, San Jose, Ca., May 2-3, 1995.
24. P. D. Hanish, J. W. Grizzle, M. D. Giles, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Model-Based Technique for Real-Time Estimation of Absolute Fluorine Concentration in a CF4/Ar Plasma,” 41st National Symposium of the AVS, Oct. 24-28, 1994, Denver, CO.
25. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Hydrogen Sulfide Plasma Passivation of Indium Phosphide,” IEEE/TMS Electronic Materials Conference, Cambridge, Mass., June, 1992.
26. J. S. Herman and F. L. Terry, Jr, “Plasma Passivation of GaAs,” American Vacuum Society Meeting, Chicago, Ill., Oct., 1992.
27. F. L. Terry, Jr., J. Freudenberg, M. Elta, M. Giles, J. Grizzle, S. LaFortune, P. Kabamba, P. Khargonekar, S. Meerkov, and D. Teneketzis, “Sensor-Based Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Plasma Etching as a Process Vehicle,” IEEE Wafer Level Reliability Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Ca., October 25-28, 1992.
28. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, D. T. Nichols, P. K. Bhattacharya, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Growth of InGaAsP by CBE for SCH Quantum Well Lasers Operating at 1.55 and 1.4 µm,” 3rd Inter. Conf. on Chemical Beam Epitaxy and Related Growth Techniques, Oxford, England, 1992.
29. M. E. Sherwin, F. L. Terry, Jr., G. O. Munns, and G. I. Haddad, “Investigation and Optimization of Interface Transition Widths for InGaAs/InP and InP/InGaAs Grown by Chemical Beam Epitaxy using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry,” presented at the TMS Fifth Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Panama City, Fl., April 14-17, 1991.
30. H. W. Trombley, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. E. Elta, “The Simulation of Low Pressure Argon RF Glow Discharge using a Self-Consistent Particle Model,” in Abstract volume for the IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Williamsburg, Va., June 3-5, 1991.
31. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, E. G. Woelk, T.J. Drummond, M. E. Elta, F. L. Terry, Jr., and G. I. Haddad, “The Design of an ECR Plasma System and Its Application to InP Grown by CBE,” Sixth International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, University of California, San Diego, CA, August 27-31, 1990.
32. M. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, M. E. Elta, E. G. Woelk, S. B. Crary, F. L. Terry, Jr., and G. I. Haddad, “The Design of an ECR Plasma System and Its Application to InP Grown by CBE,” Sixth International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, University of California, San Diego, CA, August 27-31, 1990.
33. J. Mo, A. L. Robinson, D. Fitting, P. Carson, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Improvement of Integrated Ultrasonic Transducer Sensitivity,” 5th International Conference on Sensors and Actuators, Montreaux, Switzerland (June 25-30, 1989).
34. W. T. Shiau and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Reoxidized Nitrided Oxides as High Temperature MOS Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE/TMS Electronic Materials Conference, Boulder, CO (1988).
35. W. T. Shiau and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Reoxidized Nitrided Oxides as High Temperature MOS Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, poster presentation, Hilton Head Island, SC, 1988 Solid State Sensor and Acutator Tech. Dig. pp. 100-1, (1988).
36. M. A. Schmidt, F. L. Terry, Jr., B. P. Mathur, and S. D. Senturia, “Inversion Layer Mobility of MOSFET’s with Nitrided Oxide Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE Device Research Conference, Boulder, CO (June, 1985).
37. F. L. Terry, Jr., P .W. Wyatt, M. L. Naiman, B. P. Mathur, C. T. Kirk, and S. D. Senturia, “High-Field Electron Capture and Emission in Nitrided Oxides,” IEEE Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA (June, 1984).
38. F. L. Terry, Jr., R. J. Aucoin, M. L. Naiman, P .W. Wyatt, and S. D. Senturia, “Elimination of Radiation-Induced Interface States By Nitridation,” IEEE Device Research Conference, Burlington, VT (June, 1983).
39. F. L. Terry, Jr., M. L. Naiman, R. J. Aucoin, and S. D. Senturia, “Megarad-Resistant 10nm Gate Dielectrics,” IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, Seattle, WA (July, 1981)
40. R. J. Aucoin, M. L. Naiman, F. L. Terry, Jr., and R. Reif, “Kinetics of Nitridation of Silica Films,” Abs. 377, Electrochem. Soc. 160th Meeting, p. 913, Denver, CO (1981).
1. “Nanotechnology - An Overview,” Fred L. Terry, Jr., presentation at the Fifth Annual Emerging Industry Symposium The Business Reality of Micro and Nano Technologies, March 31- April 1, 2005, Four Points Sheraton, Ann Arbor, sponsored by the Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies (University of Michigan) and the Michigan Small Tech Association (MISTA). (Invited Talk)
2. “Metrology Challenges for End-of-Roadmap Nano-scale CMOS and Possible Post-CMOS Nanoelectronics,” Fred L. Terry, Jr., Integrated Metrology Association Meeting, September 23 , 2004 (Invited Talk).
3. “Optical Topography (Scatterometry) Research at University of Michigan,” Fred L. Terry, Jr., Integrated Metrology Association Meeting, March 5, 2002 (Invited Talk).
4. “In Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Reflectometry for Real-Time Topography Monitoring,” Hsu-Ting Huang, Ji-Woong Lee, Pete Klimecky, Pramod P. Khargonekar, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (WISE), University of Mons, Mons, Belgium, October, 2001. (Invited Talk)
5. “In Situ Measurements of Patterned Structures,” Hsu-Ting Huang, Wei Kong, Brooke Stutzman, and Fred L. Terry, Jr., Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (WISE), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 8-9, 2000.
6. “Analysis of Reflectometry and Ellipsometry Data from Patterned Structures,” Meng-En Lee, Cecilia G. Galarza, Wei Kong, Weiqian Sun and Fred L. Terry, Jr., poster presentation at Gordon Conference on Nanofabrication, Tilton, NH., June, 1998.
7. K. Khargonekar, T. L. Vincent, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “A Real-Time Etch Rate Estimation Algorithm for Single/Multiple Wavelength Reflectometry,” Sematech Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 5-8, 1995.
8. Tim M. Morris, Fred L. Terry, Jr., Michael E. Elta, and Hossein Etemad, “Non Destructive Optical Metrology and The Fourier Imaging System,” presented at the SRC Technology Transfer Course: Scatterometry for Photoresist Process Characterization, June 30, 1993, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M.
9. E. Elta, H. Etemad, J.P. Fournier, J. S. Fruedenberg, M. D. Giles, J. W. Grizzle, P.T. Kabamba, P.P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, S.M. Meerkov, J.R. Moyne, B. Rashap, D. Teneketzis, and F. L. Terry, Jr., “Real-Time Feedback Control of Reactive Ion Etching,” SEMATECH Workshop on Advanced Equipment Control, Dallas, TX, April 19-22, 1993.
10. Grimard, M. E. Elta, F. L. Terry, Jr., “Utilizing Fourier Imaging for Non-Destructive, Non-Contact Wafer Topography Measurements” 1992 SRC/DARPA CIM/IC Workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, August 24, 1992.
11. Fred L. Terry, Jr. and Michael E. Elta, “Utilizing Diffraction Imaging for Non-Destructive Wafer Metrology,” SEMATECH Workshop on Advanced Equipment Control, Phoenix, AZ, March 3-5, 1992.
12. E. Sherwin, G. O. Munns, D.T. Nichols, F. L. Terry, Jr., P.K. Bhattacharya, and G. I. Haddad, “Chemical Beam Epitaxy for the Growth of InP Based Electronic and Opto-Electronic Devices,” Second Workshop on Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials for Tactical and Strategic Applications, Huntsville, Al., Oct. 8-10, 1991.
13. Chiao-Fe Shu, Ramesh Jain, Fred Terry, and Michael Elta, “A Real-Time Fourier Imaging System for Monitoring Plasma,” the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual SRC/DARPA CIM-IC Workshop North Carolina State University, Chapell Hill, August 22-23, 1991.
14. S. Grimard, M. L. Passow, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. E. Elta, “In Situ Monitors and Sensors for Plasma Etching,” SEMICON/Southwest Technical Conference on Metrology for Advanced Materials/Processes Characterization, February 1990.
15. Dennis S. Grimard, M. E. Elta, F. L. Terry, Jr, T.J. Grimard, and H.W. Trombley, “In Situ Monitoring for Plasma Etching,” SRC Technical Review Conference on Plasma Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA (Feb. 1-2, 1989).
16. Dennis S. Grimard, M. E. Elta, F. L. Terry, Jr., T.J. Grimard, and H.W. Trombley, “In Situ Monitoring for Plasma Etching,” 4th Annual SRC/DARPA Workshop on Plasma Etching, Ann Arbor, MI (August, 1989).
1. Pete Ivan Klimecky (chairman), “Plasma density control for reactive ion etch variation reduction in industrial microelectronics,” Defense on August 15, 2002, now with Intel, Portland, Or.
2. Hsu-Ting Huang (chairman), “High-accuracy, high-speed measurement of deep submicron and nano-structure gratings using specular reflected light techniques,” Defense on December 13, 2001, now with Invarium Corp., San Jose, Ca.
3. Wei Kong (chairman), “Analysis of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Data from Patterned Structures for Etching Process Monitoring and Control,” Defense on March 30, 2001, with IBM, East Fishkill.
4. Brooke S. Stutzman (chairman), “Correlation of Process with Topography Evolution During Reactive Ion Etching,” Defense on June 27, 2000, currently an assistant professor of physics, U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
5. Meng-en Lee (chairman), “High-Speed Analysis of Surface Topography on Semiconductor Wafers by Optical Diffraction Techniques,” Defense on January 6, 1999, currently assistant professor of physics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan.
6. Tyrone Benson (chairman), “Improved Optical Methods for Characterizing Polycrystalline Silicon, with Emphasis on Optical Scattering Losses,” Defense on September 20, 1996, currently with Intel Corp, Phoenix, Ar.
7. Len Kamlet (chairman), “Phenomenological Modeling of the Optical Properties of Semiconductors for Process Characterization and Control,” Defense on May 13, 1996, currently with MKS Instruments, Andover, Ma.
8. John C. Cowles (co-chairman with Prof. G. I. Haddad), “InP-Based Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Technology for High Speed Devices and Circuits”, Defense on April 7, 1994, Currently with Analog Devices, Portland, Or.
9. Ru-Liang Lee (chairman), “Self-Aligned-Gate Heterostructure Field Ettect Transistors - Process Development and Device Comparison” Defense on August 11, 1993, currently with TMC, Camas, Wa.
10. Jonathan S. Herman (chairman), “Plasma Passivation of Compound Semiconductors for Device Applications”, Defense on January 18, 1993 Currently with Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA.
11. Marc E. Sherwin (chairman), “The Application of Chemical Beam Epitaxy to InP Based Materials and Devices”, Defense on March 3, 1992, Currently with Microwave Signal, Inc., Clarksburg, MD
12. Henry Trombley (co-chairman with Dr. Michael E. Elta), “Modeling of RF Glow Discharges for Microelectronics Manufacturing Processes”, Defense on June 26, 1991, Currently with IBM.
13. Wei-Tsun Shiau (chairman), “Reliability of MOSFET Gate Insulator Layers at High Temperatures”, Defense on September 14, 1990, Currently with Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX.
14. Dennis S. Grimard (co-chairman with Dr. Michael E. Elta), “Utilizing Diffraction For Real-Time In Situ Wafer Monitoring”, Defense on August 24, 1990, Currently with Univ. of Michigan
15. Tina Jane Grimard (co-chairman with Dr. Michael E. Elta), “Computer Modeling of Plasma Processing and Equipment for Microelectronic Applications”, Defense on May 12, 1989, Currently with IBM Corp., East Fishkill, New York
16. Michael S. Barnes (co-chairman with Dr. Michael E. Elta), “Computer Modeling of RF Glow Discharges for the Study of Plasma Processing in Microelectronics”, December 21, 1987, Currently with Novellus Corporation, San Jose, Ca.
Born in Augusta, Georgia on July 22, 1958. Raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the American Physical Society, Sigma Xi.