The geometry is a pair of rectangular Anger cameras (508mm transaxial by 340mm axial) separated by 626mm, for a maximum acceptance angle of about 28 degrees. The sampling was 64 transaxial bins by 42 axial bins (7.9mm spacing), with 17 polar angles and 50 azimuthal angles. A 3M count emission scan was simulated of an elliptical phantom with 4 hot spheres. Uniform attenuation within the ellipse was included, and 20\% random coincidences were added, but no scatter was modeled. The image volumes were reconstructed on a 64 by 64 by 32 grid.
The images below show 6 of the 32 reconstructed slices. The 1st row is the true phantom. The 2nd row is the SSRB/2D-FBP reconstructions (5 of the 17 polar angles were averaged together). The 3rd row is the 3D-PLS reconstructions using 3 iterations of the conjugate-gradient (CG) algorithm with no preconditioner. The 4th row is the 3D-PLS reconstructions using 10 iterations of the conjugate-gradient (CG) algorithm with no preconditioner. The CG algorithm was initialized with the SSRB/2D-FBP images.
The 3D-PLS images appear to have lower noise and higher spatial resolution.
Three iterations of the CG algorithm required 56 seconds on a DEC AlphaStation 600/5-333. The software has been tested on an IBM SP-2 parallel computer and speedup factors of over 90% are typical for up to 8 processors, so this method is very well suited to coarse-grain parallelization.
Currently the algorithm uses an on-the-fly forward and backprojector, so only about 3Mbyte of RAM was required for the above reconstructions.
There is negligible difference between the 3 and 10 iteration 3D-PLS-CG images. This agrees with other reports that iterative algorithms can converge very quickly for 3D PET. Proper preconditioning should lead to even faster convergence.