Statistical Image Reconstruction: 2D PET Results

PET ellipse phantom, CTI Exact System

These images were reconstructed from a PET scan of an elliptical phantom containing spheres of various activity in a warm background. The top row is penalized likelihood based on the shifted Poisson model, reconstructed using the "parabaloidal surrogates coordinate ascent" algorithm to be presented at NSS/MIC 1998. The bottom row is FBP.

Here is the central horizontal profile through center images. The spatial resolution of the PL image is at least as good as that of the FBP image, yet the noise in the uniform background is reduced.

FDG-PET breast cancer patient, CTI Exact System

This shows the effect of short transmission scans and statistically-based attenuation correction.

The top two images were formed using penalized-likelihood (PL) emission reconstruction and PL transmission reconstruction. The bottom two images were formed using FBP emission reconstruction, and conventional attenuation correction.
The left images were formed from a 12 minute tranmission scan, and the right images were formed from a 2 minute transmission scan.
The statististical reconstruction methods degrade more gracefully in the presence of short transmission scans.

FDG-PET breast cancer patient, CTI Exact System

Left is FBP, right is penalized likelihood.

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