Jeff Fessler, University of Michigan
2018-10-23 Julia 1.0.1 version
This is a Jupyter notebook based on the Julia language
To run it you will need Julia 1.0.1 or later and to install several packages.
For some tutorials on using Julia see:
# packages used
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using Distributions
using LaTeXStrings # pretty plot labels
using Plots
using Flux # Julia package for deep learning
using Flux: throttle, mse
if true
pyplot(markersize=7, markerstrokecolor=:auto)
fnt = font("DejaVu Sans", 15) # larger default font
pyplot(guidefont=fnt, xtickfont=fnt, ytickfont=fnt, legendfont=fnt)
# function to generate a random piece-wise constant signal
function makestep(;dim=32, njump=3, valueDist=Normal(0,1), minsep=2)
jump_locations = randperm(dim)[1:njump]
while minimum(diff(jump_locations)) <= minsep
jump_locations = randperm(dim)[1:njump] # random jump locations
index = zeros(dim)
index[jump_locations] .= 1
index = cumsum(index)
values = rand(valueDist, njump) # random signal values
x = zeros(dim)
for jj=1:njump
x[index .== jj] .= values[jj]
x[index .== 0] .= values[njump] # periodic end conditions
x = circshift(x, rand(1:dim, 1)) # random shift - just to be sure
return x
jim = (x; title="") -> heatmap(x', aspect_ratio=1, yflip=true, title=title, # jiffy image display
xtick=[1,size(x,1)], ytick=[1, size(x,2)], transpose=false)
# training data
siz = 32
ntrain = 2^11
Xtrain = [makestep(dim=siz) for _ in 1:ntrain]
Xtrain = hcat(Xtrain...) # noiseless data
ntest = 2^10
Xtest = [makestep(dim=siz) for _ in 1:ntest]
Xtest = hcat(Xtest...) # noiseless data
p0 = plot(Xtrain[:,1:14], label="")
Kx = Xtrain*Xtrain' / ntrain
p1 = jim(Kx, title="Kx")
σnoise = 0.3
Ytrain = Xtrain + σnoise * randn(size(Xtrain)) # noisy train data
Ytest = Xtest + σnoise * randn(size(Xtest)) # noisy test data
Ky = Ytrain*Ytrain' / ntrain
@show maximum(Kx[:])
@show maximum(Ky[:])
p2 = jim(Ky, title="Ky")
plot(p0, p1, p2, layout=(3,1))
# wiener filter / MMSE estimator
# cond(Kx + σnoise*I)
Hw = Kx * inv(Kx + σnoise^2 * I)
heatmap(Hw, aspect_ratio=1, yflip=true)
# denoise via wiener filter (MMSE *linear* method)
Xw = Hw * Ytest
nrmse = (Xh) -> round(norm(Xh - Xtest) / norm(Xtest) * 100, digits=2)
@show nrmse(Ytest), nrmse(Xw)
# verify that marginal distribution is gaussian
histogram(Xtrain[:], label = "Xtrain hist")
(It should perform same as Wiener filter.)
# first try a basic affine NN model
model1 = Chain(Dense(siz,siz))
loss(x, y) = mse(model1(x), y)
iters = 2^12
dataset = Base.Iterators.repeated((Ytrain, Xtrain), iters) # trick X,Y swap for denoising!
evalcb = () -> @show(loss(Ytest,Xtest).data) # todo: how to show epoch?
cb = throttle(evalcb, 4)
Flux.train!(loss, dataset, ADAM(Flux.params(model1)), cb=cb)
# compare training affine NN to wiener filter
H1 = model1(Matrix(I, siz, siz)).data
heatmap(H1, aspect_ratio=1, yflip=true, title="Learned filter for affine NN")
X1 = H1 * Ytest
X1nn = model1(Ytest).data
@show nrmse(Ytest), nrmse(Xw), nrmse(X1), nrmse(X1nn)
bias = model1(zeros(siz)).data
@show minimum(bias), maximum(bias)
# create a basic NN model
nhidden = siz*2 # neurons in hidden layer
model2 = Chain(Dense(siz,nhidden,relu), Dense(nhidden,siz))
loss(x, y) = mse(model2(x), y)
iters = 2^12
dataset = Base.Iterators.repeated((Ytrain, Xtrain), iters) # trick X,Y swap for denoising!
evalcb = () -> @show(loss(Ytest,Xtest).data)
cb = throttle(evalcb, 4)
Flux.train!(loss, dataset, ADAM(Flux.params(model2)), cb=cb)
X2 = model2(Ytest).data
@show nrmse(Ytest), nrmse(Xw), nrmse(X1), nrmse(X1nn), nrmse(X2)
# Examine joint distribution
lag = 1
tmp = circshift(Xtrain, (lag,))
histogram2d(Xtrain[:], tmp[:])
plot!(aspect_ratio=1, xlim=[-4,4], ylim=[-4,4])
plot!(xlabel=L"x[n]", ylabel=latexstring("x[n-$lag \\ mod \\ N]"))
plot!(title="Joint histogram of neighbors")
model3 = Chain(
Conv((2,2), 1=>16, relu),
x -> maxpool(x, (2,2)),
Conv((2,2), 16=>8, relu),
x -> maxpool(x, (2,2)),
x -> reshape(x, :, size(x, 4)))
# Dense(288, 10), softmax)
tmp = Xtrain[:,1:40];
tmp = Conv((3,1), 1=>1, relu)
model3 = Chain(tmp)
#model3 = Chain(Dense(siz,nhidden,relu))
tmp = reshape(Xtrain[:,1], siz, 1);
tmp = Conv((3,3), 1=>1, relu)
model3 = Chain(tmp)
#model3 = Chain(Dense(siz,nhidden,relu))
tmp = reshape(Xtrain[:,1], siz, 1)
tmp = Xtrain[:,1:4];
# create a basic NN model
nhidden = siz*2 # neurons in hidden layer
model3 = Chain(Dense(siz,nhidden,relu), Dense(nhidden,siz))
loss(x, y) = mse(model2(x), y)
iters = 2^12
dataset = Base.Iterators.repeated((Ytrain, Xtrain), iters) # trick X,Y swap for denoising!
evalcb = () -> @show(loss(Ytest,Xtest).data)
cb = throttle(evalcb, 4);
#Flux.train!(loss, dataset, ADAM(Flux.params(model2)), cb=cb)