This directory contains codes and data for MRI reconstruction with separate magnitude and phase regularization via Compressed Sensing (CS). They are based on the paper: Feng Zhao, Douglas Noll, Jon-Fredrick Nielsen, J A Fessler. "Separate magnitude and phase regularization via compressed sensing." IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 31(9):1713-23, Sep. 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2012.2196707 Running this script requires the entire image reconstruction toolbox by Prof. Jeffrey A. Fessler: codes: mag_phs_cs_sim.m: an example for simulation experiment (MRI thermometry) mag_phs_cs_real.m: an example for real experiment (MRI velocity mapping) pcg_bls.m: the phase updating function with regularizer 1 pcg_bls_exp.m: the phase updating function with regularizer 2 pcg_bls_ep.m: the phase updating function with regularizer 3 pcg_bls_exp_ep.m: the phase updating function with regularizer 4 data: (1) abd_therm_sim.mat: (Yoon Chun Kim and Daehyun Yoon provided magnitude images based on the data from "ISMRM Reconstruction Challenge 2010"; the phase images are from "ISMRM Reconstruction Challenge 2010") msk1: true low res mask msk2: loose low res mask mask1: true high res mask im2: "true" high res complex image, interpolated from mt and xt img: im2 with hot spots added in the phase samp1: the sampling pattern for the fully sampled low res data im2_l: "true" low res complex image, reconstructed from fully sampled low res data (samp1) generated from img xt2: unwrapped phase of im2_l (2) abd_vl_real.mat: (Provided by Jon-Frederick Nielsen) imt26: the complex image reconstructed by taking DFT of the fully sampled k-space data, frame 6 imt20: the complex image reconstructed by taking DFT of the fully sampled k-space data, reference frame dx26: the phase that only contains velocity information; it is extracted from imt26 and imt20 kdata2: the raw fully sampled k-space data, 11 frames msk2: loose mask for image domain, frame 6 im20: the reference complex image reconstructed by the proposed method with regularizer 2 fc: rad*s/cm, the ratio between phase and the velocity