// interp3_table_adj_mex.c // see interp3_table1_adj.c // Mex file for *adjoint* of 2D periodic interpolation using table lookup. // ck = interp3_table_adj_mex(fm, h1_table, h2_table J, L, tm, K) // // Copyright 2004-4-2 Jeff Fessler and Yingying Zhang, University of Michigan #include "def,table.h" #include "def,table3.h" #define Usage \ "Usage: ck = function(fm, h1, h2, h3, J, L, tm, K) \n" // interp3_table_adj_mex() // Usage: ck = function(fm, h1, h2, h3, J, L, tm, K) static int interp3_table_adj_mex( mxArray *plhs[], const mxArray *mx_fm, const mxArray *mx_h1, const mxArray *mx_h2, const mxArray *mx_h3, const mxArray *mx_J, const mxArray *mx_L, const mxArray *mx_tm, const mxArray *mx_K, const mxArray *mx_order, // optional: may be NULL const mxArray *mx_flips) // optional: may be NULL { const int M = mxGetM(mx_fm); // # of time samples const int N = mxGetN(mx_fm); // # of realizations, prod(size(2:end)) const int *Jd = (const int *) mxGetData(mx_J); const int *Ld = (const int *) mxGetData(mx_L); const int *Kd = (const int *) mxGetData(mx_K); const double *p_tm = mxGetPr(mx_tm); const double *r_fm = mxGetPr(mx_fm); const double *i_fm = mxGetPi(mx_fm); const double *r_h1 = mxGetPr(mx_h1); const double *r_h2 = mxGetPr(mx_h2); const double *r_h3 = mxGetPr(mx_h3); const int order = mx_order ? *((int *) mxGetData(mx_order)) : 0; const int *flips = mx_flips ? ((int *) mxGetData(mx_flips)) : NULL; Call(mxIsComplexDouble, (mx_fm)) Call(mxIsRealDouble, (mx_tm)) if (!mxIsInt32n(mx_J, 3)) Fail("J must be int32 [1,3]") if (!mxIsInt32n(mx_L, 3)) Fail("L must be int32 [1,3]") if (!mxIsInt32n(mx_K, 3)) Fail("K must be int32 [1,3]") if (mx_order && !mxIsScalarInt32(mx_order)) Fail("order must be scalar int32 (0 | 1)") if (mx_flips && !mxIsInt32n(mx_flips, 3)) Fail("flips must be [1 3] int32 (0 | 1)") /* check h1,h2,h3 tables' sizes */ if ((int) mxGetM(mx_h1) != Jd[0]*Ld[0]+1 || (mxGetN(mx_h1) != 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "J1=%d L1=%d tablelength=%d\n", Jd[0], Ld[0], (int) mxGetM(mx_h1)); Fail("h1 size problem") } if ((int) mxGetM(mx_h2) != Jd[1]*Ld[1]+1 || (mxGetN(mx_h2) != 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "J2=%d L2=%d tablelength=%d\n", Jd[1], Ld[1], (int) mxGetM(mx_h2)); Fail("h2 size problem") } if ((int) mxGetM(mx_h3) != Jd[2]*Ld[2]+1 || (mxGetN(mx_h3) != 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "J3=%d L3=%d tablelength=%d\n", Jd[2], Ld[2], (int) mxGetM(mx_h3)); Fail("h3 size problem") } if (M != (int) mxGetM(mx_tm) || 3 != mxGetN(mx_tm)) Fail("t_m must be Mx3 matrix") // create a new array and set the output pointer to it Call(plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix, (Kd[0]*Kd[1]*Kd[2], N, mxCOMPLEX)) double *r_ck = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); double *i_ck = mxGetPi(plhs[0]); // call the C subroutine N times; once for each realization if ( mxIsComplexDouble(mx_h1) && mxIsComplexDouble(mx_h2) && mxIsComplexDouble(mx_h3)) { const double *i_h1 = mxGetPi(mx_h1); const double *i_h2 = mxGetPi(mx_h2); const double *i_h3 = mxGetPi(mx_h3); if (order) Fail("only 0th order implemented for complex") for (int nn=0; nn < N; ++nn) { interp3_table0_complex_per_adj(r_ck, i_ck, Kd[0], Kd[1], Kd[2], r_h1, i_h1, r_h2, i_h2, r_h3, i_h3, Jd[0], Jd[1], Jd[2], Ld[0], Ld[1], Ld[2], p_tm, M, r_fm, i_fm); r_ck += Kd[0]*Kd[1]*Kd[2]; i_ck += Kd[0]*Kd[1]*Kd[2]; r_fm += M; i_fm += M; } } else if (mxIsRealDouble(mx_h1) && mxIsRealDouble(mx_h2) && mxIsRealDouble(mx_h3)) { interp3_table_real_per_adj_t *fun; if (order == 0) fun = interp3_table0_real_per_adj; else if (order == 1) fun = interp3_table1_real_per_adj; else Fail("bad order") #ifndef Provide_flip if (flips && (flips[0] || flips[1] || flips[2])) Fail("flip not compiled") #endif for (int nn=0; nn < N; ++nn) { fun(r_ck, i_ck, Kd[0], Kd[1], Kd[2], r_h1, r_h2, r_h3, #ifdef Provide_flip flips ? flips[0] : 0, flips ? flips[1] : 0, flips ? flips[2] : 0, #endif Jd[0], Jd[1], Jd[2], Ld[0], Ld[1], Ld[2], p_tm, M, r_fm, i_fm); r_ck += Kd[0]*Kd[1]*Kd[2]; i_ck += Kd[0]*Kd[1]*Kd[2]; r_fm += M; i_fm += M; } } else Fail("h must be real or complex double (preferably real)") return 1; } // gateway // ck = function(fm, h1_table, h2_table, h3_table, J, L, tm, K) void mexFunction( const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (!nlhs && !nrhs) { printf(Usage); return; } // check for the proper number of arguments if (nlhs == 0 && nrhs == 1 && mxIsChar(prhs[0])) // check return; if (nrhs < 8 || nrhs > 10) mexFail("10 inputs needed: (f, h1, h2, h3, J, L, t, K, [order, flips])") if (nlhs > 1) mexFail("Less than one output arguments.") if (!interp3_table_adj_mex(plhs, prhs[0], prhs[1], prhs[2], prhs[3], prhs[4], prhs[5], prhs[6], prhs[7], nrhs > 8 ? prhs[8] : NULL, nrhs > 9 ? prhs[9] : NULL)) mexFail("interp3_table_adj_mex() failed") }