# mri/Makefile # compile MRI-related .mex* files include $(HOME)/l/src/make/Makedef.$(Arch) include $(HOME)/l/src/make/Makedef.$(Arch) include ../mex/oct-setup.sh # sets extra CFLAGS suf = mex doth = $(octincdir)/mex.h # where to install the compiled mex files: # for mac: dir = ../mex/oct/${Arch} mex = mkoctfile --mex #suf_i686 = mexglx #suf_ppc = mexmac #suf_ = suf_i686; # default is linux #suf = $(suf_$(Arch)) #suf = mex$(MatlabSuf) suf = mex # from Makedef.* #dir = ../mex/v7 #mex = $(MatlabCom) #mex = mex goal1 = $(dir)/mri_exp_mult_mex.$(suf) goal2 = $(dir)/exp_xform_mex.$(suf) goal: \ $(goal1) $(goal2) aflag_x86_64 = -fPIC aflag_mi64 = -arch x86_64 aflag = $(aflag_$(Arch)) CFLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE \ -std=c99 -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -W -Werror $(aflag) #com = $(mex) CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS) -fexceptions' com = $(mex) $(goal1): mri_exp_mult_mex.c mri_exp_mult_template.c $(doth) $(com) mri_exp_mult_mex.c mv mri_exp_mult_mex.$(suf) $@ chmod 755 $@ $(goal2): exp_xform_mex.c exp_xform_template.c $(doth) $(com) exp_xform_mex.c mv exp_xform_mex.$(suf) $@ chmod 755 $@ reset: @echo suf = $(suf) rm -i $(goal1) $(goal2)