This directory in Jeff Fessler's Image reconstruction toolbox contains Matlab source code that computes spectral-spatial RF pulses (and the corresponding z-gradient waveforms) for through-plane phase precompensatory slice selection for T2*-weighted functional MRI. This work is based on the publication: "Spectral-spatial RF pulse design for through-plane phase precompensatory slice selection for T2*-weighted functional MRI", Chun-yu Yip et al, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May, 2009. SPSP pulse design source code: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You should start by looking at the example in example_mri_rf_spsp.m in the irt/mri-rf/spsp subdirectory of the toolbox. The file is a central design script that will guide you through the whole design process. Remember: successful pulse design requires that the entire image reconstruction toolbox by Jeff Fessler be installed first: You can conveniently download the whole package at and use the unix command 'tar' to retrieve the files and folders. In Matlab, use the "setup.m" command in the toolbox to set up the paths first. Ready-to-use SPSP pulse waveforms: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternatively, you can directly download the waveforms that I designed and try them out on your MRI scanner: SPSPpulseset.mat is a Matlab workspace that contains SPSP pulses computed with different "alpha" values based on our publication listed above. It includes three kinds of variables: 1. gz :real-value z gradient waveform (unit: Gauss/cm (g/cm)) 2. b :complex-value RF waveform (unit: g) 3. mresult :complex-value Bloch simulation result (normalized) In Matlab you can type "load SPSPpulseset.mat" to load the waveforms, and then type "whos" to see all those variables. The number(s) in each b or gz variable name indicate the "alpha" value (in units of 1E-4 g/cm/Hz) for which the RF and z gradient waveforms were computed, and each of the (b,gz) pairs leads to Bloch simulation result in variable mresult with the same number(s). Please refer to example_mri_rf_spsp.m for source code. In the following we provide parameters with which the waveforms were computed and the Bloch simulation was performed: z gradient (gz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sampling period = 4E-6 s max gradient amplitude = 4 g/cm max gradient slew rate = 15000 g/cm/s oscillation period (T, in s) and number of trapezoids (Ntraps): % alpha=-1: T = 0.0025; Ntraps = 6; % alpha=-1.25:T = 0.0025; Ntraps = 6; % alpha=-1.5: T = 0.0025; Ntraps = 6; % alpha=-1.75:T = 0.0025; Ntraps = 7; % alpha=-2: T = 0.003; Ntraps = 7; % alpha=-2.25:T = 0.003; Ntraps = 7; % alpha=-2.5: T = 0.003; Ntraps = 8; % alpha=-2.75:T = 0.003; Ntraps = 8; % alpha=-3: T = 0.003; Ntraps = 9; % alpha=-3.25:T = 0.003; Ntraps = 10; % alpha=-3.5: T = 0.003; Ntraps = 10; RF pulse (b) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ sampling period = 4E-6 s slice thickness = 0.5 cm flip angle = 30 degrees slice profile = 'rectangular' desired pattern specifications: range in z (space) = 20 cm number of samples in z = 1200 range in f (frequency) = 500 Hz number of samples in f = 300 zshift = -0.25 m alpha = indicated in variable name, in units of 1E-4 g/cm/Hz TE = 30 ms conjugate gradient: number of iterations = 100 beta (Tikhonov regularization) = 0 Bloch simulation (mresult) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ range in z (space) = 3 cm number of samples in z = 200 range in f (frequency) = 500 Hz number of samples in f = 200 Thank you for your interest in our spectral-spatial pulses. Written by Chun-yu Yip, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 4/1/2009 Please contact Chun-yu Yip if you have questions or problems. Enjoy! Current email: Jeff Fessler made minor modifications to several of the files. Hopefully I did not break anything...