/******************************************************************************* Interpolation of grid locations of points using filtering technique (kernel) with zero boundary condition Created by Se Young Chun, Oct 20, 2006, the University of Michigan *******************************************************************************/ extern void FiltInterpolatedValue3DZero ( double *Bout, /* output interpolated value */ double *Bcoeff, /* input B-spline coeff array */ int Width, /* width of coeff array */ int Height, /* height of coeff array */ int Slice, /* slice of coeff array */ int nx, /* width of Bout */ int offx, /* offset of x direction */ int mx, /* magnif factor for x direction */ int ny, /* height of Bout */ int offy, /* offset of y direction */ int my, /* magnif factor for y direction */ int nz, /* slice of Bout */ int offz, /* offset of z direction */ int mz, /* magnif factor for z direction */ double *kernelx, /* kernel to be applied, 1D */ int nkx, /* kernel length */ double *kernely, /* kernel to be applied, 1D */ int nky, /* kernel length */ double *kernelz, /* kernel to be applied, 1D */ int nkz /* kernel length */ );