To access files remotely (e.g., from home) try sshfs
A reasonably safe thing to do is to add this directory
to your matlab path:
Then after starting matlab you run the script
which will add all the appropriate toolbox directories
to your matlab path.
The toolbox version at the path above
should be current and probably should work.
The "bleeding edge" version that I use personally is
but that version may not always work.
The version that I post on the web site
always is tested first, and it is here:
That version may not have the "latest feature" that I just added today,
but it is always a version that passed the self test.
Some of this is out of date due to my current transition to github.
The latter two paths are on my personal machine (currently ir10.eecs), whereas the first path will always be on a different machine (currently in ir72.eecs/d0/fessler/backup) that is serving as a backup. So hopefully at least one of those will usually be up.
Of course if you are working on a laptop then probably your only choice is to download the version from the web site. But if you are working from an eecs machine then I recommend that you do not keep a separate copy of the toolbox, but instead point matlab to the web mirror link above.
You can also access any of these from CAEN machines by NFS, e.g.:
To look up papers in my bibliographies, add the following to your .cshrc
set findarg = "-type f -not -regex '.*\.swp' -not -regex '.*\.tex'"
alias lookup "find ~fessler/l/tex/biblio/b2 $findarg | ~fessler/l/src/script/bib/b,grep \!* | more"
Then you can just type something like 'lookup some_key_word' to see all the bib entries that have some_key_word in it.
I also have bibliographies of IEEE (etc.) journals here ~fessler/l/tex/biblio/jour/* and you can make a lookup alias that looks there too, like this:
alias lookieee "find ~fessler/l/tex/biblio/jour/ ~fessler/l/tex/biblio/b2 -type f -not -regex '.*\.swp' -not -regex '.*\.tex' | ~fessler/l/src/script/bib/b,grep \!* | more"
Then you can do lookieee some_key_word to find papers with that key word in the bibliographic entry.
After you find the entry for a paper of interest,
most of them will contain a line like this:
@doi 10.1109/83.535846
If you set up an appropriate alias, you can cut and paste that line into your terminal window and it will open the paper in your browser. Here is the alias (for tcsh):
alias @doi "open\!*"
Also see
alias @u ~fessler/l/src/script/bib/@u
If that does not work,
you can paste the doi into
to access the paper.
(Most online papers have a unique DOI
[digital object identifier]
that helps locate them.)
When writing a paper you will need only some of the thousands
of entries in my bibtex database.
To extract the ones you need, use
with the command:
bibtool -x paper.aux -o small.bib
Actually, these days I use the command: