p.25 proposition 2 proof, 2nd part. "which is disjoint from \tilde{S}" should be: "which is disjoint from S" p.30 Holder's inequality also has equality if either x or y are zero. p.31 The conditions for equality in Minkowski's equality are incorrect. The correction condition is: equality iff x and y are linearly dependent. (And if either x, or y, or both are zero, then they are linearly dependent.) p.56 (bottom) "rows of the Gram determinant" -> "rows of the Gram matrix" p.69 Thm. 1 only applies to real Hilbert spaces as written. To generalize use Real( inner product ) <= 0 p.72 problem 3.1 should say "if and only if x and y are linearly dependent" p.161 range(A*) closed in G in Thm. 1 well, actually it may be ok since thm2 on p156 suggests that R(A) closed => R(A*) is closed.