598-006 students,
Happy new year and welcome to EECS 598-006/066 (optimization for SIPML).
I am still working on trying to find one room for everyone; there is one option still being explored. Hopefully IoE will be helpful.
Because there are currently two sections here, I am going to distribute most materials on my web site instead of on Canvas.
Before the first class on Thursday, I recommend you download the first two chapters of notes from this google drive link:
You must authenticate with your UM account to access that gdrive folder. Your personal google account will not work!
If you have problems with that link, then use the backup copies at my web site here:
The Chapter 0 notes have several action items listed in them, including buying an iClicker if you don’t already have one, for answering questions in class. The Ch. 0 notes probably are not worth printing. But you should print the Ch. 1 notes or bring the pdf on an electronic device where you can annotate them during class.
I recommend going through Ch0 and doing as many of the action items as you can before the first day of class, like installing Julia 1.3.1.
Here is a very useful link for quick searches of the Julia manual:
I have posted the first HW on my web site above.
I am mentioning this now because I am unsure if all of you have taken the EECS 551 (or 505) prerequisite for this course. If you have taken EECS 551 then HW01 should be easy review for you. For students who want to determine whether your non-551 linear algebra background is sufficient, HW01 will be one way to help find out. If the topics in HW01 are unfamiliar to you then you should probably take the EECS 551 or 505 instead of taking this EECS 598.
598-006 is going to lean heavily on the 551 prerequisite.
At the end of the Ch0 notes is a link to the current version of the course notes from the W19 edition. This can give you a preview
See you Thursday!