using Plots
using LinearAlgebra: norm, opnorm, pinv
using Interact
using Random: seed!
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m, n = 100, 50
A = randn(m,n)
b = randn(m)
σ1 = opnorm(A); # largest singular value is the operator 2-norm of A
xls = pinv(A)*b # SVD based solution
iters = 1000
@manipulate for μ_factor in range(0.0, 2.5, 51)
μ = μ_factor / σ1^2
x = zeros(size(A,2))
ils_err = zeros(iters+1)
ils_err[1] = norm(x - xls)
for k = 1:iters
x = x - μ * (A'*(A*x-b))
ils_err[k+1] = norm(x - xls) / norm(xls)
scatter(0:iters, log10.(ils_err),
xlabel="Iteration", xtick=[0,iters],
ylabel="log10(NRMSD)", ylim=(-15,5),
label = "μ_factor = $(round(μ_factor,digits=3))",
title="Iterative LS convergence plot")
plot!() # for saving as html